here's an example of what my life is like.
today I was riding my bike around hollywood looking for a job, and i had just left Aaron's records on Santa Monica & Highland. I had two of those free magazines in my hand (the kind you can get at most every record store) and one of them was MeanStreet, which had the Strokes on the cover.
So i'm riding my sorry ass down the street with these magazines sandwiched between my hand and the handlebars, and i stop at a corner so this car can cross the street. I look inside the car (cause i'm nosy like that), and who is it, but Nick Valensi of said band, the Strokes. So, in a moment of sheer genius i hold up the magazine that he's on the cover of and point at it. He smiles and says "yep." Now, at that point i realized how stupid i must have appeared, so to top it off i say "I like the new record." Once again, sheer genius. He says "thanks." and because i have a horrible habit of saying stupid things - i say, "my band played with you guys about two years ago in tacoma, washington." and he says, of course, "I don't remember... What's the name of the band?" i answer, and he shrugs. so, once again. the sheer genius kicks in and i say, "I'm sure it's all a blur by now." So i decided to cut my losses and finally say the only intelligent thing i could think of, which was, "alright man, take care."
and i rode off.
the upside of this is that i didn't just yell "THE STROKES!!" like the time i yelled "THE FONZ!!" at henry winkler.
i also didn't say a lot of other stupid things that came to mind like, "You guys gave us your pizza."
when i was a kid
i wanted my own bodyguard
but i would have been happy with a superhero
here's an example of what my life is like.
today I was riding my bike around hollywood looking for a job, and i had just left Aaron's records on Santa Monica & Highland. I had two of those free magazines in my hand (the kind you can get at most every record store) and one of them was MeanStreet, which had the Strokes on the cover.
So i'm riding my sorry ass down the street with these magazines sandwiched between my hand and the handlebars, and i stop at a corner so this car can cross the street. I look inside the car (cause i'm nosy like that), and who is it, but Nick Valensi of said band, the Strokes. So, in a moment of sheer genius i hold up the magazine that he's on the cover of and point at it. He smiles and says "yep." Now, at that point i realized how stupid i must have appeared, so to top it off i say "I like the new record." Once again, sheer genius. He says "thanks." and because i have a horrible habit of saying stupid things - i say, "my band played with you guys about two years ago in tacoma, washington." and he says, of course, "I don't remember... What's the name of the band?" i answer, and he shrugs. so, once again. the sheer genius kicks in and i say, "I'm sure it's all a blur by now." So i decided to cut my losses and finally say the only intelligent thing i could think of, which was, "alright man, take care."
and i rode off.
the upside of this is that i didn't just yell "THE STROKES!!" like the time i yelled "THE FONZ!!" at henry winkler.
i also didn't say a lot of other stupid things that came to mind like, "You guys gave us your pizza."
when i was a kid

i wanted my own bodyguard

but i would have been happy with a superhero

Permit me, sir, to compliment you on your fine and excellent taste.
you (samo & highland) were really close to my crib (sunset & la brea)