Thanks for all your get well soon messages! I'm feeling a little bit better now and my throat has stopped feeling like I'm trying to swallow razorblades!
Picture time today! I have a new profile picture, curtesy of the wonderful Vix!
I also have the piece of artwork I commisioned Icedblood on DeviantArt to do for me. It's for my portfolio site and I hope to make some banners and such from it.
Right, I should get back to my revision!
Picture time today! I have a new profile picture, curtesy of the wonderful Vix!
I also have the piece of artwork I commisioned Icedblood on DeviantArt to do for me. It's for my portfolio site and I hope to make some banners and such from it.

Right, I should get back to my revision!

Me like new profile pic.

I'm looking forward to seeing your gallery when you get it up. I visited your website. Very nice avatar, by the way.