I have a functioning version of Reason, thanks to Joszef! (Thanks again!) So I have been writing lots of music lately. Hopefully I'll get some recording done in the near future.
Classes start in just over a month. I dropped EMT training, and was accepted into the nursing program. So, this semester, I'm finishing up my all my nursing pre-requisite classes, three of which are online. The only class I have to GO to is anatomy & physiology, which I am more than excited to be taking. I love science. Once I start taking the core nursing classes, I should be a LPN in two semesters, which is effing awesome. I've wanted to be a nurse for a while now, and I'm glad I decided to just go for it.
Hopefully, I'll be shooting a new set sometime soon! Preferably before my classes start. We have a brilliant idea, we just have to make it work out the way it is in our brains.
I think Jeffree Star is, by far, the most hilarious person to ever live.

Classes start in just over a month. I dropped EMT training, and was accepted into the nursing program. So, this semester, I'm finishing up my all my nursing pre-requisite classes, three of which are online. The only class I have to GO to is anatomy & physiology, which I am more than excited to be taking. I love science. Once I start taking the core nursing classes, I should be a LPN in two semesters, which is effing awesome. I've wanted to be a nurse for a while now, and I'm glad I decided to just go for it.
Hopefully, I'll be shooting a new set sometime soon! Preferably before my classes start. We have a brilliant idea, we just have to make it work out the way it is in our brains.
I think Jeffree Star is, by far, the most hilarious person to ever live.

BTW, I still think your set is splendid and it's one of those baffling and frustrating anomalies that no groundswell of consensus to that effect is yet evident. (I know I write funny, but I'm in a hurry and it just comes out this way. Help me Obi Wan, or for that matter, anybody!)