I was sittin back and thinking yesterday.. WOW, a year ago I was 9 month preggo rushing for this kid to get out.. I was hatting the fact i was still puking constantly and then the kid doing sumersaults inside me.. I though I was with the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with.. damn.. complete 360.. I am single...
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I fucking hate school.... I flunked my muscle/skeletal section.. What I dont understand why we have to take anatomy and physology as a pre-req. but we still have to go back though all the systems. it makes no freaking since at all.. BUt oh well, I can still ace the rest of my sections and pass with flying colors.. Fallon is offically walking now, at...
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you have got to be fucking kidding me. A half brother that is not even a year apart?!?!?!?! I am so sorry to hear you say that dear. That makes me sad. How did you find this out?
you know that you could have always come over here and drank with me since you promised that you would how long ago and never have?
Recently I've been getting in contact with a bunch of old friends.. It's amazing how many years we havent spoke but yet we can pick up the pieces where we left off.. NOw i have my gears in my head turning.. can you hear them??lol...
So tomorrow is my son's official 1st Halloween. and He will be going as a squirrel.. Yes that is right.....
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So tomorrow is my son's official 1st Halloween. and He will be going as a squirrel.. Yes that is right.....
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George? You have to tell me the story behind that. The name is just odd.
What did you dress as?
What did you dress as?
lmao...that is so cute.
Hey I'm still alove just wishing for xmas break already.. fallon took a couple steps solo a day ago.. so he'll be up and walking soon.. tooo damn soon for me.. i'm not ready yet.. Imma getting ready to move back in with my parents.. yea yea.. so I can save a few hundred bucks wile im in school.. in may Im out again.. but...
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MY mom get sick yesterday so I called off work today. Yeah I get a day to myself with my chitlin.. it's wonderful.. we are just getting ready for the KU football game.. and I gotta do homework when he naps.. School is still bonkers but it is getting so much better.. Im getting into the swing of things.. I'm moving back with my parents...
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yeah...and I know as a single parent of two, how hard it is to save for christmas and still take care of all of the bills. I hope the best to you dear. I miss talking to you.
it is good...I just got done with a photo shoot in lawrence, now I am back home and getting into the shower soon. Been a little busy as well...but what can one do? We still need to get together soon for that date.
im still alive... I promise.. I's doing clinicals in shawnee now.. whoo hooo..
I know I know.. I've been dead to the world.. So nursing school, being a mom, and working is completely consuming my life.. I need a fucking break already.. I'm exhausted.. BUt it is for only 8 months and 1 week.. That is al I have left.. Sorry Im counting down.. Well Drop me a line.. Loves ya.. \
2 days + nursing school = stress.. Yes I have started school again. I have been there 2 whole days and so far we have 4 tests next week and a presentation.. Fucking blows.. But it'sonly 9 months.. My kiddo is loving daycare.. every morning he just jumps out of my arms to go play with the other kiddos.. it's effing amazing how well he...
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We are finally finished with the paternaty bs in the courts. now we have to fight about child support and visitation bs.. SO far I have no clue of how mush I'm getting a month,but I know I told my lawyear that he can have him every other weekend. and so far no holidays.. It's not far that I have raised my child by myself...
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