It's about time to school to start. I have exactly a week untill doomsday.. Oh geez, i'm not ready.. But it's only for 4 months.. then I just might happen to be a nurse.. Then I'm in charge..lol.. I need to find someone that can watch my kid for a couple hours in the morning so I can go to clinicals.. Wow, I should start...
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Holy shit.. Work has been kicknig my ass.. I have worked way too much.. I feel bad beacsue I hardly see my kid anymore.. but fuck I have to pay the bills.. It's been a very long week and I dont get a day off untill Tuesday.. Geez..
Damn I strat work again on next wednesday.. geez this past month has flown by already. But I enjoyed every single moment of it hanging out with my Kiddo, the red-headed twinkies, and Natasha.. Sounds fun huh?? an 18 month old 3 year old twin girls, Natasha (holy shit fuanniest chick i know) and myself.. A lot of sarcasm and even more movie quotes.. Yeah...
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I was lost in the wonderful bliss of not having any school.. then I got a kick right in the pants.. I have to get a job.. I walked out on my old one.. WHOOPS!!!! I'm such a bad ass.. it's not going so hot.. but It will get better.. or at least i keep trying to convince myself that..lol.. I'm tninking I want to...
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I'm about 4 weeks away from summer vacation. Im so excited..
Holy Crap is been a long time sonce I've been on here.. I almost forgotted,lol.. SO things are better now.. I;m back in nursing school, the state is sueing travis for being in contempt of court for not paying his child support. Ummm. Im back in school.. I have rekindled a few lost relationships. Now i know why I felt so incomplete.. Oh plus I...
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Oh the joys of hurring up and filing your taxes to simply wait forever to get them back.. I love it, I'll even love it better when I get Travis's tax return. that is if he doesnt owe the IRS which I am sure he does..

This week has been bonkers, my friends dad house caught on fire yesterday. The only thing that is savable...
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It's been a crazy month thus far hopefully it wil get better soon.. I havent killed my mother yet so that is loverly.. She is driving my insane.. Either she needs to get a job or I need to get another one during the week..

The kiddo has been teething again.. So yeah we have sopent many nights up these past few weeks.. It;s just...
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happy birthday
Yes I am alive and well. Fallon has been sick a lot recently. He had to get 5 more shots. so that has been kicking him in the ass.. HE christened my truck with vomit on the way to day care.. Yeah it was great.. Christmas was good. Of course the kid got spoiled.. me not so much but it's okay.. New years was sucky...
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I;m still alive.. I;ve been busy doing absolutly nothing.. Hey at least i'm honest..
yeah right...that is why I never even get a text from you anymore let alone a phone call or a message on Yahoo! or anything? I thought you forgot all about me.