So apparently there's all sorts of commotion over the new site redesign, privacy issues, and the like. And it seems as though a lot of the people providing dissenting opinions are being kicked off the site left and right.
I can't say for certain what's true and not, but I've seen at least three people I like and/or respect get deactivated without warning in the...
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I can't say for certain what's true and not, but I've seen at least three people I like and/or respect get deactivated without warning in the...
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I need to look around and see what is going on here. I'm only under a three month membership right now.
We lost our oldest cat today. He was 17.
Long story short: the cancer finally got the best of him, and it was his time. Gonna miss the furry little pain.
This marks the second of our cats to pass this year. No more, please.

This marks the second of our cats to pass this year. No more, please.
Hugs hun
Another one of those demoralizing moments that seems to be popping up more often of late:
There's a person I friended/followed on here, who tends to post some rather enticing calls for sexual things, offering their name up on Kik and so forth, inviting people to message them when they're bored/lonely/horny. So I actually, in a moment of stupidity and weakness, send them a message....
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There's a person I friended/followed on here, who tends to post some rather enticing calls for sexual things, offering their name up on Kik and so forth, inviting people to message them when they're bored/lonely/horny. So I actually, in a moment of stupidity and weakness, send them a message....
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I try to keep an open mind, but I've definitely encountered a fair share of women who take shameless advantage of the imbalanced male-female ratio online. That is to say, they can put themselves out for attention and pick and choose from the slavering male hordes, while, in my experience, it doesn't usually work in reverse.
Still, I'd have liked at least a word or something before getting blocked. Since up to that point I had no idea my approaches weren't welcome.... o.0
Still, I'd have liked at least a word or something before getting blocked. Since up to that point I had no idea my approaches weren't welcome.... o.0
Oh well. I doubt she was worth your friendship. So don't worry about it so much, kiddo.
I don't understand hurting people.
I don't understand hurting people.
Consider this my semi-annual post to reassure people I'm alive and still somewhat active here.
Anyone actually interested in the details of my life?
It's like... wake up, do stuff, write stories, write book reviews, edit anthologies, leave the house for my job as an event staffer, come home, do more stuff. It's all very exciting. If anyone happens to have an interest in science...
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Anyone actually interested in the details of my life?

It's like... wake up, do stuff, write stories, write book reviews, edit anthologies, leave the house for my job as an event staffer, come home, do more stuff. It's all very exciting. If anyone happens to have an interest in science...
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Hi (:
Wow, the months fly by when I forget to post. I wish I could spin a story about pirates and Tijuana and prison and exploding volcanoes and poker games with the Devil but... I -could- but not at the moment, how's that?
Still alive. Been working my butt off doing all sorts of writer and editor-type things, and when I have a tiiiiny bit more...
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Still alive. Been working my butt off doing all sorts of writer and editor-type things, and when I have a tiiiiny bit more...
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Thank you, honey! How have you been?
Thank you, hun. 

Kind of a mild blow to the ego. Not a single comment regarding my last post. Sigh. Add to that the fact that I've sent messages to several people on here in recent weeks and they never replied to me, despite reading the message... And well, it's hard not to feel a little hurt by the perceived rejection.
I'll get over it; it's only natural,...
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I'll get over it; it's only natural,...
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I love you. I'll admit I'm still getting into the swing of things and reading blogs here but we catch up other places.
Hope you are doing well!

So I have this anthology of fantasy stories. Twelve original stories from some really kick-ass writers. And publisher woes set me back several years and I eventually had to find a new publisher. Anyway, I have a publisher, and now I'm running a Kickstarter campaign to fund this sucker, so I can pay my authors a professional rate and keep the publisher from risking too...
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I'm about to prove that I have no shame. whatsoever.
As some of you might know, I'm a writer. As a very few of you might know, I'm not just a writer, I'm an erotica writer. (Well, among other things.) The truth is, I fell into the role, and discovered almost by accident that I'm pretty damned good at it.
Anyway, I've done some writing...
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As some of you might know, I'm a writer. As a very few of you might know, I'm not just a writer, I'm an erotica writer. (Well, among other things.) The truth is, I fell into the role, and discovered almost by accident that I'm pretty damned good at it.
Anyway, I've done some writing...
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I hate it when I start to get to know someone on here, and we hit it off, and I think we're becoming friends, and then real life smacks down upon them and they vanish before we could get to the "outside of SG" stage of knowing one another. Another potential friendship, dead before it truly got started. This happens regularly on here. 

Yup. All the external stuff is craaaaazy.
I hate that too. Ive always been glad we connected off of SG. Btw, miss our chats!
Just did one of my infrequent friend purges. If you're still on my list, it's because you posted or updated within the past few months, or I'm still holding out hope for you. If I removed you and you miss me, say so. If you didn't notice, that's cool.
Ever so slowly, I guess I'll weed it down to the point where people don't assume...
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Ever so slowly, I guess I'll weed it down to the point where people don't assume...
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thanks so much for your comment on my set!
glad I got to stay as a friend