Wow, so many amazing things happening all at once and it's all so hard to sink in. It feels as though i'm dreaming.
A couple months ago I was going through what I believed to be a depressive mode. I was concerned about my financial status and worried about my future.
When I found out I was pregnant, I didn't know how to react. Sure it probably doesn't make everything better in a way but I think this was the miracle that I needed to motivate me to pursue something in life. I never thought I would be able to get pregnant. Doctors would tell me that it would be difficult for me to do so and blah blah blah. So I believe that things happen for a reason.
This little being inside of me will bring me all the joy that I was missing. It will make me smile more often and cry of joy in those precious moments. On Friday I went to the doctor's and I heard the heartbeat for the first time. I wanted to cry because I was tripping out at the fact that life is growing in me. One thing is having people tell you that you're pregnant and another is seeing it for yourself non the less hearing proof like the heartbeat!!!
I have been tired more often and easily. Yesterday Pookey took me to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D and I was only out for 3 hours and I felt like I was out all day. When I got home I fell on my bed and knocked out. It felt so good to lay down. The doctor says I need a lot of bed rest or I will go through a lot of headaches and pains. He's right.
I got my tax return and thankfully it was enough to pay a huge chunk of my car giving me one year to pay it off. Leaving me with an extra chunk of change to use it for rent or bills etc.
Once I found out I was pregnant I forgot about all the stress and worries because something inside told me that everything was going to go okay.
It was right. On February I got a letter from the unemployment and appeals office stating that my case was accepted and approved. On Saturday I got all my unemployment checks that were owed to me. I will keep receiving my benefits until October of this year. This made me so happy.
We are really trying to buy a house more than ever now. Pookey's parents are trying to expedite the process so the baby will have a home to go to once it's born.
I saw my Dad at TJ last year in August for just 2 days after not seeing him for 15 years. That was not enough time to bond and catch up. Now that i'm pregnant, and that my unemployment has arrived I will be going to Guadalajara Mexico and spend a week there with my Dad
. Pookey, my mom, my bro and me and my big ol' belly will go in June. My mom and bro will stay there all summer but Pookey and I can only stay for a week due to the commitments we have here such as work for him, and other errands I would need to take care of here.
Once I told my Dad he got really happy. Tickets are already bought and it's just a matter of time.
I am currently 11 weeks and the baby is scheduled to be born in September 25th. I'm really excited. I want to start buying baby stuff but I have to wait because I don't even know the gender yet :/. I'm barely starting to show. None of my clothes fit anymore. I don't want to buy maternity clothing either because I know I'm not going to wear it after my pregnancy and I don't plan on having another baby until probably 3 or more years later.
Overall, great things are happening. This is our lucky baby who is bringing and will keep bringing everyone lots of luck, hope and love.
I will be going back to school next year for the spring. I wanted to start going in the fall of this year but I will miss half of the semester because that's when the baby is born and the baby will need me. So i'll post pone it for the Spring. FASFA is already turned in and I will be notified in the Summer if I qualify or not and how much i qualify for.
I haven't had any luck with boy names, do you guys have any suggestions? I want something that's not common. I want something very unique. Any ideas?
If it's a girl i like the name Apple. What do you guys think? No one likes it over here but I do. Girl names are easier than boy names. So i'm not worrying about the girl names but I def need a boy name.
Well guys. Thanx for listening once again!! I hope things look up for everyone! Ciao!!!!!
A couple months ago I was going through what I believed to be a depressive mode. I was concerned about my financial status and worried about my future.
When I found out I was pregnant, I didn't know how to react. Sure it probably doesn't make everything better in a way but I think this was the miracle that I needed to motivate me to pursue something in life. I never thought I would be able to get pregnant. Doctors would tell me that it would be difficult for me to do so and blah blah blah. So I believe that things happen for a reason.
This little being inside of me will bring me all the joy that I was missing. It will make me smile more often and cry of joy in those precious moments. On Friday I went to the doctor's and I heard the heartbeat for the first time. I wanted to cry because I was tripping out at the fact that life is growing in me. One thing is having people tell you that you're pregnant and another is seeing it for yourself non the less hearing proof like the heartbeat!!!
I have been tired more often and easily. Yesterday Pookey took me to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D and I was only out for 3 hours and I felt like I was out all day. When I got home I fell on my bed and knocked out. It felt so good to lay down. The doctor says I need a lot of bed rest or I will go through a lot of headaches and pains. He's right.
I got my tax return and thankfully it was enough to pay a huge chunk of my car giving me one year to pay it off. Leaving me with an extra chunk of change to use it for rent or bills etc.
Once I found out I was pregnant I forgot about all the stress and worries because something inside told me that everything was going to go okay.
It was right. On February I got a letter from the unemployment and appeals office stating that my case was accepted and approved. On Saturday I got all my unemployment checks that were owed to me. I will keep receiving my benefits until October of this year. This made me so happy.
We are really trying to buy a house more than ever now. Pookey's parents are trying to expedite the process so the baby will have a home to go to once it's born.
I saw my Dad at TJ last year in August for just 2 days after not seeing him for 15 years. That was not enough time to bond and catch up. Now that i'm pregnant, and that my unemployment has arrived I will be going to Guadalajara Mexico and spend a week there with my Dad

Once I told my Dad he got really happy. Tickets are already bought and it's just a matter of time.
I am currently 11 weeks and the baby is scheduled to be born in September 25th. I'm really excited. I want to start buying baby stuff but I have to wait because I don't even know the gender yet :/. I'm barely starting to show. None of my clothes fit anymore. I don't want to buy maternity clothing either because I know I'm not going to wear it after my pregnancy and I don't plan on having another baby until probably 3 or more years later.
Overall, great things are happening. This is our lucky baby who is bringing and will keep bringing everyone lots of luck, hope and love.
I will be going back to school next year for the spring. I wanted to start going in the fall of this year but I will miss half of the semester because that's when the baby is born and the baby will need me. So i'll post pone it for the Spring. FASFA is already turned in and I will be notified in the Summer if I qualify or not and how much i qualify for.
I haven't had any luck with boy names, do you guys have any suggestions? I want something that's not common. I want something very unique. Any ideas?
If it's a girl i like the name Apple. What do you guys think? No one likes it over here but I do. Girl names are easier than boy names. So i'm not worrying about the girl names but I def need a boy name.
Well guys. Thanx for listening once again!! I hope things look up for everyone! Ciao!!!!!
Congratulations. Apple is a really cute name. Have fun on your trip. 

Excellent news. I hope all is still going well.