FUCK YESSSS!!! Best birthday in a very long time!
After work i rushed home and Pookey told me to go out while he prepares dinner so i went to the gym. I had a real good run
then went home and took a shower. He already had dinner ready, (i'm so fucking happy we have a balcony where we live!). He set up our dinner outside where we have the view of the majority of Norwalk. He prepared Chicken Cordon Bleu with a salad, cheesecake and CHAMPAGNE!!!! He got my favorite! ITSA!!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!! i was so syked! lol
I then opened my presents and loved them! This is one of the things he got me which made me jump so high!
Then he suggested we go to Disneyland after all and i said fuck it! I get in for free and he can just buy the Twilight ticket which is $20 off or something. So we get there and park at Downtown Disney and claim our tickets. Well, we found out that they don't do the Twilight thing anymore so we had to buy the full ticket. Luckily Pookey's cousin works at Disneyland and was there and was able to get us 10% off so from $67 it went down to $62 so i told Pookey i would pay half so technically we both got in the park for $31 each lol.
Here's Pookey calling his cousin
There was so much to do and didn't know where to go so we went to Pirate's!
Then we ran to the Haunted Mansion! Is this room actually stretching? or is it your imagination? Hmm? LMAO!
I SOOOO want to get these pictures for my home!!!
And here i am in front of the castle with my Happy Birthday button
I had a blast, so many people wishing me a happy birthday all day everywhere i went! It was awesome! Thanx guys for all your birthday wishes!!!!
After work i rushed home and Pookey told me to go out while he prepares dinner so i went to the gym. I had a real good run

I then opened my presents and loved them! This is one of the things he got me which made me jump so high!

Then he suggested we go to Disneyland after all and i said fuck it! I get in for free and he can just buy the Twilight ticket which is $20 off or something. So we get there and park at Downtown Disney and claim our tickets. Well, we found out that they don't do the Twilight thing anymore so we had to buy the full ticket. Luckily Pookey's cousin works at Disneyland and was there and was able to get us 10% off so from $67 it went down to $62 so i told Pookey i would pay half so technically we both got in the park for $31 each lol.
Here's Pookey calling his cousin

There was so much to do and didn't know where to go so we went to Pirate's!

Then we ran to the Haunted Mansion! Is this room actually stretching? or is it your imagination? Hmm? LMAO!

I SOOOO want to get these pictures for my home!!!

And here i am in front of the castle with my Happy Birthday button

I had a blast, so many people wishing me a happy birthday all day everywhere i went! It was awesome! Thanx guys for all your birthday wishes!!!!

Glad you had a great birthday!

pro! sounds like a blast