[I wrote this some time ago...in a frantic state of dread. I'm not sure but I think I like it]

I write primarily not to destroy, but to build.

They say that after a few years, the average infant's brain loses ninety percent of the neuronal connections it had at birth.

Our reptilian brain--with its coarse desires and uncivilized mutation of the senses--is ripped apart...
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wow. that was really great!!

so great, in fact....that I have forgotten what I originally came over here to say/ask.

so. I obviously rock. blush
My Profile: You have no friends. Ha ha.

Me: Eat my ass, Profile, who asked you?

My Profile: Ha ha ha, you're such a loser.

Me: Hey! I don't have to take that kinda shit from a dynamic web component!

My Profile: Hey, I'm not the one arguing with a bunch of code, buddy.

Me: I hate you, Profile.

My Profile: HTMLick my balls.
I had a similar argument with my profile once. In fact he still chides me once and a while...
It's best when you have no friends.
Later you'll have to deal with actually talking to people. Ugh.