From mirandap


Paul- You are lighting up my notifications box! Thank you for the follow and all the love! Which are your favorites of my pix and vids? Where are you? xoxo

Hello! It a pleasure to follow you! You are so beautiful! I can't wait to see a set from you! I really enjoy Just a quick hello, Take a ride, and honestly they are all great! I'm from Québec, Canada.

Hey  thank you so much for your love on my recent set. I'm glad u like <3 Thank you for supporting me, more is coming soon <3


Hello Paul.. Sorry a lot for disturbing you.. I am so happy to meet you here this night.. Nice to meet you I am Glenda.. I came from Italy... Sorry again for bothering you.. My apologies.. And sorry for my English I am trying to learn it better 🙏🙏🙏

Hello! You do not bother me at all! Please to meet you as well. I speak French also. Sorry no Italian. :(
Thanks a lot honey for answering me and for spending time with me I appreciate it so much.. Nice to meet you I am Glenda I came from Italy Naples a city in the south of nation.. I work in a tattoo shop here but now we're closed since 3month for quarantine.. I try to keep smile and strong i spend all my day singing smiling and dancing for contrast my quarantine 🙏🙏🙏♥️

Hello I am watching your profile picture and it captures my attention nice to meet you I am Glenda 

Pleased to meet as well! I'm Paul. I must say your profile is very intriguing as well! Love that hair and energy!