Hey, hey! I have a new favorite SG on my page, and the she's my 3rd (4th?) ever friend from my friend's list.
Liante rolled the dice, and scored a critical hit of hotness.
Hotness Revealed
You are surpassingly hot, like a crate full of peppers - those funky little red ones, you know, the ones you accidentally bite into when eating chinese food while drunk, and then you get tears in your eyes, and guzzle a lot of water and half of it drips down your chin, and then your date leaves you and you cry, and maybe later you play some Nintendo and masturbate through a haze of tears.
Prerequisites: Cha 15+
Benefits: You are hot like WHOA! As a standard action, you can reveal your hotness. You gain a +4 Cha bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate skill checks against sentient beings within a 30' radius (as well as those behind a keyboard). In addition, while within a 30' radius of your revealed hotness, all sentient beings move at 1/2 normal movement rate, because you know we're all only human after all, and these reactions are perfectly natural, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of, even if they made fun of us for it in the 7th grade and we never quite got over the shame, and yet perhaps the secret thrill of degredation lingers still.
Special: This feat does not work on those who do not have eyes, those who are blind, or those with bad taste.
.... Incidentally, had I written the above for a sourcebook, I would have just earned about three fitty.
Of course, I also would have been fired, but that's neither here, nor there.
Liante rolled the dice, and scored a critical hit of hotness.
Hotness Revealed
You are surpassingly hot, like a crate full of peppers - those funky little red ones, you know, the ones you accidentally bite into when eating chinese food while drunk, and then you get tears in your eyes, and guzzle a lot of water and half of it drips down your chin, and then your date leaves you and you cry, and maybe later you play some Nintendo and masturbate through a haze of tears.
Prerequisites: Cha 15+
Benefits: You are hot like WHOA! As a standard action, you can reveal your hotness. You gain a +4 Cha bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate skill checks against sentient beings within a 30' radius (as well as those behind a keyboard). In addition, while within a 30' radius of your revealed hotness, all sentient beings move at 1/2 normal movement rate, because you know we're all only human after all, and these reactions are perfectly natural, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of, even if they made fun of us for it in the 7th grade and we never quite got over the shame, and yet perhaps the secret thrill of degredation lingers still.
Special: This feat does not work on those who do not have eyes, those who are blind, or those with bad taste.
.... Incidentally, had I written the above for a sourcebook, I would have just earned about three fitty.
Of course, I also would have been fired, but that's neither here, nor there.
I'm not sure what the above journal entry means, but I do know that Liante is the hottest new SG we've had in forever...
You're a huge fucking weirdo and I'm totally keeping that journal entry. Hehe. Thanks, dude. It's awesome.