One of the best ways to get a feel for a new board is to watch other new posters start threads, and to see the reactions of long time posters to those threads. So that's what I've been doing - for the most part, the folks on SG seem pretty laid back, and there are a lot of posters here with nicely laid back senses...
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I always read the journals to see if I'll like the person. It tells me a lot more than their profile answers- although I look at those too.

When I first scrolled down to say hi, I saw all purple and was thinking, "wow, everyone who talks to this guy is one of my friends!" LOL

P.S. If you think people on SG are "laid-back," then I will assume you have been steering clear of the current events boards.
yes, account sharing is frowned upon by the staff
Day 3 of this journal thing - I'm trying to get in the habit of writing these, and repetition is good for that. That's my moment of Shaolin wisdom. Hey, after 8 years of study, I suppose I should apply it to something besides hitting things.

Anyway, this morning I was thinking about the house I almost bought, but didn't. It was a thing of...
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Ah well that certainly helps with my bafflment and confusion... although I think it's a permenant state sometimes.

I'm not a "serious" writer - yet. But it's definitely something I do as a hobby, and hope to one day publish something. i have indeed heard of RPGs, and I can proudly say that one summer, long, long ago, my mom, in a last-ditch effort to send me away for the summer, sent me to a Dungeons and Dragons summer camp. Now if that isn't the epitome of dorkiness, I don't know what is.

I know how hard it is to even get your foot in the door at some of these publishing houses. I seriously think they base their decisions on things like throwing darts, or i don't know, pin the tail on the donkey. "Yes, I believe we will accept...this one! It has shallow characters, a boring plot, and could be mistaken for a cliche dictionary... but gosh darnit, the donkey tail told me to."

And I loved the Earthsea series too. I haven't read it in a long while. I'm also a fan of Anne McCaffrey.
Alas, the only RPGs I'm into these days are the ones on my X Box.

And I'm actually familiar with a few publishing websites - erotica and others. When I found them I thought it was a cool concept, but I was disappointed with the calibre of writing... which, in retrospect shouldn't have surprised me that much. But hey, if the money's there...

I also read a lot of AM's older stuff, haven't read anything recent. But I absolutely loved (and I think it's in my profile) the Crystal Singer series. I found it such a fascinating concept. If you're in the mood, you should take a look.

I took a Sci-Fi English class in University. It was interesting since the reading list was diverse enough to hold my attention. We read a Le Guin book, The Left Side Of Darkness. I didn't like it. I was very disappointed.
Day Two - The Natives Are Restless

I've figured out why this place is so damn relaxing to me, compared to the forum I admin: RPG.net

It's all about what's waiting for me when I first log in.

On RPG.net, I see complaints, and reported posts - "Waaaaa! He said I'm a doody head! And I think you're a doody head, and you're mean! And...
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thats right, i forgot. youre a family man too.
well, thank you for the compliment Patricks wife. wink
Well, this is my first journal entry ever.

It's like when I lost my virginity, only I'm not screaming or bleeding, and Mr. T is nowhere to be seen.

I am pantless right now though, so that's a bit of symmetry.

Anyway, to tell you all something completely fascinating, I'm still waiting for a final call back on a job. After 4 interviews, and...
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wait! I know this one!

I just read yet ANOTHER funny installment from you on the boards...you are my new favourite member.