The problem with kung fu... is all the ninjas.

Which is ironic, really, since ninjas are from Japan. But, there it is.

The other problem, besides the above, potentially non-existent problem, is all the hurty. And oh, there's so much hurty.

As a senior student/teacher, it's become my job to let people punch me. Also, they kick. And sometimes they throw.

I've bought pain in...
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hey thanks for the welcome.
haha well i guess having two suicidegirls comment in your journal is pretty pimping...i guess.
Happy Easter.

Today, I may actually eat myself into a chocolate-induced coma. Of course I say that every year, and it's never happened.

But still, like a fool, I keep trying.

Today is also the day when we celebrate one of the world's dominant religions by biting the heads off those most pagan of fertility symbols - the chocolate bunny (the hollow ones are a...
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I keep forgetting it's Easter, despite the reminders everywhere. At some point today I will have to get a bit of chocolate, since the indulgence is pre-excused already.

But! I came by to give you the following bit of journal spammery: Yesterday was my semi-weekly GM'ing stint for my online RPG forum, and I got to run a goofy little trap based on an OSHA employment law case (see, edumacation always pays off. Even if it's just in yoinking PCs around). It went off well enough that I wanted to share.

Original OSHA case goes like this: Employees work in an oil refinery that uses processes involving several dangerous chemicals. Supervisor tells employees that if they smell "sulphur," they should leave the plant immediately because that means one of the more serious chemicals has leaked. What the supervisor doesn't tell the employees (it's not clear whether the supervisor in fact knew this, but that's irrelevant to the trap-adapted version anyhow) is that the gas initially acts to deaden the olfactory nerves, before the more serious effecs kick in.

So there's a chemical leak, and the employees smell the gas, but it swiftly kills their sense of smell (which they don't realize). They assume it's gone and just keep on working. Within a few hours, they're all dead.

It's a sad case, but it makes a great trap effect. The trap can either be intentionally set, a pool of unseen heavier-than-air gas encountered in a mine or other closed space, or stored in bottles that the PCs might carelessly break (mine set it off while throwing stuff around in an abandoned alchemical laboratory and accidentally breaking some discarded glassware). PCs spend so much time trying to figure out whether it's a red herring, whether the scent-loss is the only effect (and might tie into a later encounter), and otherwise tying themselves up into mental knots over the "harmless" weird effect. It's great.

Then you get to poison them, and that's great too. biggrin
Chocolate?? Oh NO! I've been biting heads off real bunnies! No wonder all those kids at the zoo went screaming and running away.

Ok that was a bad joke. Happy easter. bok
I posted this on a thread today, and I guess nobody really cared. Who knows, maybe everybody on the net's seen it already. In any case, you will believe stick figures can fly (across the screen after being kicked in the head):

Xiao Xiao

Kung fu, guns, and more guns and then some kung fu, in that order. Watch video #3 first, and then maybe...
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Holy shit, is that a kung-fu stick figure rendering of the original Double Dragon video game? Bwaha. I'm totally cross-posting that to my RP forum. Thanks dude. biggrin
I'm thinking about getting another tattoo. On my left forearm - one that wraps around it entirely.

Of course, I can't actually afford to do that until after Jen's got her's, and her's is going to be expensive: a total back tattoo of the Children of Lir. In the end, it will wrap around the front of her hips a little. Should look pretty amazing....
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Oh, the tatoos I dream about but will probably never be able to afford. Sigh. But I guess if people really want them, they find a way, right?

And NO I don't think I'm fat. I've just been really unmotivated and lazy lately, so I was amusing myself with visions of me a year from now, still sitting on this sofa.

That's awsome. I wish I knew someone. I just photoshopped my next tat... I know exactly what I want and where I want it... there's just that little thing called money that sort of fucked up my whole plan. le sigh.
There's something to be said for sleeping in: that something is "I never get to do it."

I wake up earlier and earlier, as the days go by. 6 am this morning. My kids are like fleshy little alarm clocks.

Anyway, today is going to be one of those fruitful days, I can already feel it. I live for days like these, as I guess...
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I will be on West 39th.
mmmmmmm, meth!

I have to run.

call me on my cell (503) 209-9679
Day whatever:

Haven't updated in a few days - and I know you're all thinking that's a tragedy.

Anyway, I'm constantly surprised by the things you can find out about people just by poking through their profiles. I don't know why I'm surprised, particularly, since I've long since learned that everyone is different, and has their own unique interests. And yet, sometimes things still catch...
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I'd take no money in a heartbeat to be doing something that cool. Oh well. I'm gearing up to make no money pursuing my secondary dream (of having hilarious Jerry Springer-esque clients from now into eternity, although I'm still not sure whether I'm going to be trying to fight off the trailer-repo man on their behalf or put them in jail), so I guess that's... almost as good... somehow.

Anyhoo. I was amused by your comments in the "man hating crime" thread and figured I'd drop by to see who was responsible. And you're right: it is surprising to see what you can find by poking through profiles. wink
Ai, flattery. Compliments always make me blush. But thank you for the kind words.

"Thorn" or a derivative would be interesting. I'll have to give that one some thought. The main reason I'm clinging to the one I've got now is so that nobody else will be able to accidentally take my character name, as is so likely to happen. Yes, it's an awful reason. (I'd put the blush emoticon here, but frankly that one has always seemed a little creepy to me. It looks like it has three eyes.)

Re: geeks on SG, there are a lot, and in every conceivable geek specialty. It is a little ironic that I'd find a game designer not in the Geek Brigade or Gamer groups but on the main, public-viewable message boards, though.

Okay, time to get ready for skool now.
March 17th - Saint Patrick's Day

Today is, of course, St. Patrick's Day, in remembrance of the day St. Patrick arrived, looked around, and said "Well, ye live on roots from the earth, ye boil yer beef, and God help ye, ye burn dirt for warmth. This place is fooked, let's get seriously shitty."

The tradition continues to this day.

St. Patrick's Day is the...
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hey, where are you?
very nice. you need a drink?
Well, I've got two friends now. Which is not too shabby.

Really, when you think about it, they're both ideal.

One's an animated lecher, with a heavy drinking habit, and a fondness for loud clothing.

The other's a tall girl from Canada. Hmmm.... she's a girl, she's from Canada, and she's marked as my friend. Holy shit, I've got a girl-friend in Canada! I haven't...
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For the record, I wasn't fishing wink. At least I'm not a "lecher"...

that you know of. biggrin
Careful, I might poke you in your eye if you have it too close. I keep a lot of blunt rubbery vibrating objects around. wink
Well, I've recovered nicely from my drinking binge. Not that I had much recovering to do, really, but there's always that lingering toxic feeling that comes in the aftermath of draining a lot of booze.

A thread here yesterday got me to thinking about getting older, and the gradual loss of dreams. The young always want to be renaissance men, really: there are infinite possibilities...
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This is just like how i remember the real Sesame Street! tongue wink
Well, I went out and got shitty drunk last night. I'm not much into going out on a Sunday night, but my friend really wanted to go, and we haven't done anything together in a while, so I went.

We spent the night just trolling around. We hit Devil's Point first, but they were doing a karoake night, and I'm not really into that. They...
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well, at least i got to talk dirty to your wife wink
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! wink