" I know perfectly well that at this moment the whole universe is listening to us, and that every word we say echoes to the remotest star. " - Jean Giraudoux (Love Letters to the Universe)
We used a version of this line in our ceremony to testify that we there were no doubts in our hearts, and that the words we were about to...
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We used a version of this line in our ceremony to testify that we there were no doubts in our hearts, and that the words we were about to...
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What!! You don't want to move to eastern Canada and have my fourth child?!? But I thought you were 'the one'. We had the same interests. I was getting over the armpit hair thing. Jeezzzze...I feel so used.

Hmmm. I agree. There are some weird people with some strange ideas and agenda on this site. I think that we should pre-screen all members (hahaha)... and maybe limit there time on the site (haha again). It might cut down on the BS...
Didn't you just get married? And someone thinks you want to creep in for an online love affair? Wow. Can we say - someone has some insecurity issues - ?!?! Unbelievabe...

Didn't you just get married? And someone thinks you want to creep in for an online love affair? Wow. Can we say - someone has some insecurity issues - ?!?! Unbelievabe...
Mark this in your calendars as the day you heard a perfectionist say something was absolutely perfect. Take, for instance, the fact that our necessarily outdoor ceremony came only an hour after some sprinkles - just in time for a cloud-painted, starlit sky - and not thirty minutes before an all-out deluge. The Indian buffet that we were certain would leave us gorging ourselves...
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I'm not sure I really understand the question. God doesn't have ideas; people have ideas. God is truth, wherever it may be found. Folly comes from folks. 2 + 2 = 4; that's God. 2 + 2 = 5; that's people.
If I understand what you're getting at rightly, then I would say that 'Godliness' in people is when their actions are in harmony with the spirit behind all things, and when they're acting out of their own free will. 'Godlessness' is where people's actions follow their own arbitrary wants regardless of truth (or in ignorance of it), and again - out of their own free will. But the latter may feel their thoughts and wants (or desires) to be good and true, and inoffensive, because they are more easily satisfied by themselves, by the experience of their own seemingly self-enclosed nature, than by the truths outside themselves, those of the world at large and of other people, those that unite them with the world and others. They are lost in self-love. True love is the opposite - you give yourself to the world. Altruism.
When someone is compelled by desire to do something, they are free to choose to either do it or not. But that's not exactly the nature of free will. Such a person is actually unfree because they are compelled by the desire in the first place. You can't be free if something or someone is compelling you. True free will amounts to being able to control your wants, in light of wisdom, which concerns the spiritual world. Free will is when a person's desires match the will of the higher beings of the spiritual world who determine harmony in the universe - the earth going round the sun, the plants coming up every spring, beavers building their lodges, etc.. We humans are free; that means we can do what we like; that means we cause a lot of chaos because we're ignorant of the wisdom of the higher worlds (our 'rape' of the planet being, possibly, the prime example). But we're also free to seek this wisdom instead of spending our time gratifying our own personal wants, which are entirely worthless as far as the divinities are concerned.
As long as we're compelled by desires that originate only in ourselves and not in the divine, in true love, we are not genuinely free; we don't really have free will, no-matter how much we 'do what we want'. Hence religion. The effort to rise above the purely earthly.
But then, of course, a great many people claim to know the divine will and don't. Yer paw could be one of them, but maybe not.
If I understand what you're getting at rightly, then I would say that 'Godliness' in people is when their actions are in harmony with the spirit behind all things, and when they're acting out of their own free will. 'Godlessness' is where people's actions follow their own arbitrary wants regardless of truth (or in ignorance of it), and again - out of their own free will. But the latter may feel their thoughts and wants (or desires) to be good and true, and inoffensive, because they are more easily satisfied by themselves, by the experience of their own seemingly self-enclosed nature, than by the truths outside themselves, those of the world at large and of other people, those that unite them with the world and others. They are lost in self-love. True love is the opposite - you give yourself to the world. Altruism.
When someone is compelled by desire to do something, they are free to choose to either do it or not. But that's not exactly the nature of free will. Such a person is actually unfree because they are compelled by the desire in the first place. You can't be free if something or someone is compelling you. True free will amounts to being able to control your wants, in light of wisdom, which concerns the spiritual world. Free will is when a person's desires match the will of the higher beings of the spiritual world who determine harmony in the universe - the earth going round the sun, the plants coming up every spring, beavers building their lodges, etc.. We humans are free; that means we can do what we like; that means we cause a lot of chaos because we're ignorant of the wisdom of the higher worlds (our 'rape' of the planet being, possibly, the prime example). But we're also free to seek this wisdom instead of spending our time gratifying our own personal wants, which are entirely worthless as far as the divinities are concerned.
As long as we're compelled by desires that originate only in ourselves and not in the divine, in true love, we are not genuinely free; we don't really have free will, no-matter how much we 'do what we want'. Hence religion. The effort to rise above the purely earthly.
But then, of course, a great many people claim to know the divine will and don't. Yer paw could be one of them, but maybe not.

congratulations. want to be friends?
i do, i do, i do still love you. but i'm doin' the deed this weekend so....
going into hibernation mode. see you all on the other side!
going into hibernation mode. see you all on the other side!
exciting! - good luck sunshine
exciting! - good luck sunshine
shit! - you seen that new posh multiset?!?!??!?
Happy fucking birthday!!!!!!!
Now I'm dizzy from those million spoilers. But you're cute. Not because I'm dizzy either

Sorry this isn't really a post, but this weekend is devoted to Indy's Fringe Festival and more freakin' planning. I just want to ask if anyone else is having problems with their "favorites"? I noticed a few insomniac nights ago that I couldn't edit my favorite SGs because the page wouldn't load completely no matter how many times I tried. Several days later, still won't...
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Haha, yeah, I do actually read all the comments... I read page 32 last, and I'm going to catch up next time I have a lull at work. I usually read all the comments for the first few days a set is up, and then anything after that gets read if I'm ever REALLY bored and it occurs to me.
Some of the context was definitely lost due to the medium, but it was the only way to get the message out to so many people at once... so quantity over quality, I guess, but from the response, it seems that it's made a lot of people think, which was my goal.
Some of the context was definitely lost due to the medium, but it was the only way to get the message out to so many people at once... so quantity over quality, I guess, but from the response, it seems that it's made a lot of people think, which was my goal.
I hadn't noticed though if yours was goofed-up I am sure mine was too. I love the letter. It's an incredibly-timed reminder of the marvel of existence, just when I needed it. thanks.
it seems somehow wrong that most of us have never been naked in the rain.
I think that theory is correct, and even debunked it still stands true, actually: Everything works out because it has to -- we don't have the story's benefit of climax and epilogue. We don't have the luxury of The End. Life will continue to give us lemons and we will continue to make lemonade -- or collect lemons until we're tired of them and decide to collect something else. It has to work out, because not working out would be a definitive The End.
I still don't have an answer for why the Right Things are the Difficult Things as well, but I did think this: in the early days of human nature, you had to look out for yourself, because if we didn't then nobody was being watched out for a-tall. Things have changed, and now the Earth is thick with community and motives and we have an opportunity (possibly obligation) to look out for each other, or even many other people at once.
But is it better to wander back to the basics of human nature, simplifying life; or is it better to follow the progression, advancing the "quality" of life?
The former sounds like suicide, whereas the latter like an election -- it's not the right thing to do, but it's the only way to prevent the Really Wrong people from becoming The Future...
I still don't have an answer for why the Right Things are the Difficult Things as well, but I did think this: in the early days of human nature, you had to look out for yourself, because if we didn't then nobody was being watched out for a-tall. Things have changed, and now the Earth is thick with community and motives and we have an opportunity (possibly obligation) to look out for each other, or even many other people at once.
But is it better to wander back to the basics of human nature, simplifying life; or is it better to follow the progression, advancing the "quality" of life?
The former sounds like suicide, whereas the latter like an election -- it's not the right thing to do, but it's the only way to prevent the Really Wrong people from becoming The Future...
Yeah, acousticky Kristin and electric Kristin are two very different beasts. Long may she run.
Is the naked thing a nudist thing for you or is it more a sort of hippy thing (for want of a less derogatory-sounding shorthand)? I'm not sure if I still feel the same way about nudity since I wrote that. I really like clothes. But nudism is always something I've wanted to experience at least once; I want to feel the sun on my naked body as much as I want to feel the rain on it. And I'd like to experience being comfortably naked around other comfortably naked folk; I think it would give me a whole new perspective on the naked body and the stigma attached to showing it. Or something.
Is the naked thing a nudist thing for you or is it more a sort of hippy thing (for want of a less derogatory-sounding shorthand)? I'm not sure if I still feel the same way about nudity since I wrote that. I really like clothes. But nudism is always something I've wanted to experience at least once; I want to feel the sun on my naked body as much as I want to feel the rain on it. And I'd like to experience being comfortably naked around other comfortably naked folk; I think it would give me a whole new perspective on the naked body and the stigma attached to showing it. Or something.
I came home in the broodingest of broods and was going to forego calling my friend over for another installment of the LWord (I freaking hate that she got me addicted to these DVDs, but I so so love them!) to write instead, and then I got the hiccups. Kind of puts a damper on the dark poetry. Instead, you get a super long entry...
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Yes, it was quite interesting to see the split between the "sure, I'd let myself go down on me" and "I'll pass on the I-on-I action" camps. A non-SG member friend of mine suggested that those amenable to the idea were narcissistic, but I'm not sure that I'd agree.
Cows are such pastoral creatures, aren't they? I've only had the chance to pat cow head a few times in my life, but I ought to do it again. Of course, HolaGatita and I are still trying to get the chance to visit this place at some point during the fall. Pigs are cool, too, you know.
Damn, the link isn't working at the moment. I hope that it isn't going to close or anything like that.
Cows are such pastoral creatures, aren't they? I've only had the chance to pat cow head a few times in my life, but I ought to do it again. Of course, HolaGatita and I are still trying to get the chance to visit this place at some point during the fall. Pigs are cool, too, you know.

Damn, the link isn't working at the moment. I hope that it isn't going to close or anything like that.
Thanks for commenting on my set!

i do believe. and shaving is gross ! i do it anyway but it's a bass-akwards way of doing things, cause it's there for a reason.

Did I say something nice to you earlier?

Happy to hear that you're staying on for a little while, and thanks for the comment.
It's not that I don't trust people on here with sensitive intra-familial issues, but really, I'm over that phase of my life where I need to vent ever little aspect of the drama in my life to get support from people that are only hearing one side of the story. As polarized and resolute as I am in my stance and view of the situation, I realize that it's not the whole story and for me to give my view without hers isn't fair to her, despite the fact that she's essentially acting like a 5 year old wen she's old enough to be my mother.
Yeah, I'm still bitter.
I didn't wind up going to bjorkestra. Funds are that limited. I had a friend who went to the sacramento show the day before, and I'll experience it second hand through him. I'll let you know how the group was after I've talked to him.
That Neruda quote was exquisite. His work was truly a study in the profound beauty that can come from simple language that even a 1st year high school spanish student can understand. My cousin just got back from Chile, and in her travels through south america, she came across a Pablo Neruda museum, as well as a myriad of other death-defying and professional resume building activities. I want to be an archeologist, if only to wear that fetching fedora and have hot women in the university classes I teach tattoo messages of love on their eyelids for me.
It's not that I don't trust people on here with sensitive intra-familial issues, but really, I'm over that phase of my life where I need to vent ever little aspect of the drama in my life to get support from people that are only hearing one side of the story. As polarized and resolute as I am in my stance and view of the situation, I realize that it's not the whole story and for me to give my view without hers isn't fair to her, despite the fact that she's essentially acting like a 5 year old wen she's old enough to be my mother.
Yeah, I'm still bitter.
I didn't wind up going to bjorkestra. Funds are that limited. I had a friend who went to the sacramento show the day before, and I'll experience it second hand through him. I'll let you know how the group was after I've talked to him.
That Neruda quote was exquisite. His work was truly a study in the profound beauty that can come from simple language that even a 1st year high school spanish student can understand. My cousin just got back from Chile, and in her travels through south america, she came across a Pablo Neruda museum, as well as a myriad of other death-defying and professional resume building activities. I want to be an archeologist, if only to wear that fetching fedora and have hot women in the university classes I teach tattoo messages of love on their eyelids for me.
no matter how many times i try to add you it just doesnt work.
This is what it looks like inside me:
Yes, I'm neglectful but I'm busy and losing the spirit. Shh, don't tell but I've considered letting my membership lapse. I still see visions of the set that could have been which...
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No, I'm sorry, you're not actually *allowed* to leave SG. Why? I'll explain later. 

I guess there was no honeymoon because of work/money/time constraints. My in-laws gave us two tickets to Ireland (where my husband's from) for the following fall, and we kind of considered that as a very belated honeymoon. I love being in Ireland, but it's very expensive! A lot of saving goes into pulling off those yearly trips.
My loves! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's all the ceremony planning that's keeping me from you, and from so much else in life right now. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of fun. But I'm at that 2.5 month mark where I just want to go out and paint the town for a few weeks and let this other sh*t sort itself out. So...
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wow.. i missed commenting on the spank question...
Answer: perhaps, i could if i were only straight.
Answer: perhaps, i could if i were only straight.

Where are you?!?
Are we counting down?
Are you on eastern standard time?
Over and out.