Man, it's been a while since I last wrote on here. Guess I will have to remedy that. Okay...let's a new job, will be moving sometime in 2016, starting school once I move...I think that covers the boring stuff. OH! I will be attending my first convention in November! I'm pretty excited for it. It will also be my first time cosplaying. I will be going as the Tenth Doctor, and I can't wait. My new job is going to keep me pretty busy for the next couple months though, so I will cherish what ever sleep I can get. I think that's all for now. I will probably post some pics once I complete my cosplay. And with that, I'm off. Allons-y!
More Blogs
Life Update
Man, it's been a while since I last wrote on here. Guess I will hav… -
Greetings to whoever happens to have stumbled across my blog. I'm s… -
Reflection continued
OK, considering my last blog post was, in essence, me whining, I'… -
Hey hey to anyone who happens to read my blogs. I'm not sure if an… -
Tuesday Sep 24, 2013
Hello again to anyone who stumbles upon my blog. Today I've found out… -
Friday Aug 23, 2013
Hello again. I'm not sure if anyone read my first blog post, but I'm … -
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Hey all! This is my first blog here on SG. Well, ever actually so bea…