Man, it's been a while since I last wrote on here. Guess I will have to remedy that. Okay...let's see...got a new job, will be moving sometime in 2016, starting school once I move...I think that covers the boring stuff. OH! I will be attending my first convention in November! I'm pretty excited for it. It will also be my first time cosplaying. I will...
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Greetings to whoever happens to have stumbled across my blog. I'm still not sure if anyone really reads these, but I find writing therapeutic so there. Anyway, it's been a little while since my last blog so I'll get you guys up to speed. Actually, now that I think about it, the only thing that's really changed is that I'm back in school. I recently...
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OK, considering my last blog post was, in essence, me whining, I'm hoping that this one will shed some light on my new outlook. I received some helpful advice from another member on here and I've decided to take it. Just go with the flow, as they say. That actually seems like the best course of action for the time being seeing as nothing much...
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Hey hey to anyone who happens to read my blogs. I'm not sure if anyone has read them, but I just feel like voicing some stuff I've been thinking about even if no one reads this. I think it's time I start actually talking about what's on my mind rather than bottling it up and trying to deal with everything on my own. No man...
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Hello again to anyone who stumbles upon my blog. Today I've found out just how sheltered my existence has been up to this point. I am 21 years old, and I went to my first concert today. My first concert. It's like I've been living under a rock lol. Anyway, the concert was for Three Days Grace, who are my favorite band ever, so naturally...
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Hello again. I'm not sure if anyone read my first blog post, but I'm going to write a new one anyway so here goes: Today Plum suicide hosted (I think that's right word for this context) a live chat on tinychat. Naturally I joined it because she's my favorite Suicide Girl and I wanted to talk to her. So, I get in the chat, and...
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Hey all! This is my first blog here on SG. Well, ever actually so bear with me. Not sure if anyone'll read it, but I figured why not? Anyway, I've been a member here since March and I really like the site. For more than the obvious reasons. Anyway, I recently watched Donnie Darko for the first time and can't believe it took me this...
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thank you! it's a short film not a full movie but i'll upload it to the site and you could see it!
awesome! can't wait