The sun is shining. The birds are singing. All the clouds are going to blow away and bring us into a new and beautiful era of happy shiny people. The government wants to make the poor people happy. The wealthy are going to start giving back to their communities. All war will cease and all nations will get along, forgetting their differences. Your children will finally be able to open up and talk real with you. Your parents will be accepting of your gay lifestyle and will embrace your partner with open arms and a box of chocolates. Third world countries will be given ample funds to bring thier workers out of poverty. All borders will dissolve. Drugs will be legalized. Guns will be traded for flowers and then handed out children and the elderly. Religion will be praticed or not practiced on a personal level only. People will eat better and take better care of their bodies. Healthcare will be free and available to all. Beauty will be in the eye of the beholder. Puppies will lick your face and kittens will curl up in your lap. All libraries will open and thousands more will be built. Education will be free to all. Homeless people will get the help they need to help themselves get back on track. The air, the soil, the water, the ocean, the mountains, the forests, the marshes, will all be cleaner. People will smile and say "hello" as they pass you on the street.
So, when you see that sky clearing, and see those clouds move away, you'll know that everything is going to be okay.
Because everything will be okay.
Now go back to sleep.
So, when you see that sky clearing, and see those clouds move away, you'll know that everything is going to be okay.
Because everything will be okay.
Now go back to sleep.


Long overdue, but thanks for the comment on the (not so new) pic.