So I wake up this morning and switch on the TV to catch some morning news while I try to wake up. CNN is the first thing I notice, and they tell me that Terri Shiavo has died. They also are awaiting bush to come out to make comments regarding the commission he had make research attempts into Americas intelligence community to look into the existence of WMDs.
What baffled me about the news coverage, was that they could not decide between talking about the commission report concerning the choice bush made to go to war because of the information that was found by that commission, which, of course, turned out to be false, and the Shiavo case. And they kept interrupting the correspondent who was awaiting bushs entrance into the room, asking if he was going to make a comment about Terri Shiavo?!!?!?! What the fuck is that all about? Is that what is more important right now? A veritable gossip column taking the spotlight over the reason we went to WAR? How can that possibly be more important or more interesting?
Not that what Bush had to say was important. He didnt really say anything. His speech- writers have perfected the art of bull-shitting your way through a statement being made to the press regarding something that makes the president look bad.
Well, maybe Americans who wanted the feeding tube re-inserted will get angry at the system that governs this nation. I disagree with the government getting involved in private matters, although hoards of people seem to think otherwise. But maybe this will trigger something in the emotions of Americans that their government is not on their side. The government is on its own side. I abhor Congress because of their choice to get involved in this battle between families. How many other things are going on that effect millions of people which were put aside to focus on one? How many other people are being ignored in their terminal medical condition simply because they have no money for medical care???
Why are we so upset about this woman when we barely hear anything about the 6-year-old boy that had his feeding tube removed in Texas because of a piece of legislation, signed by Bush, stating that people without money for medical care will not be helped, that there will be no exceptions. Where were the protestors picketing outside of the hospital of that little boy? A little boy whose family did NOT want to give up on their child, a child who had not written an advanced directive, a child whos decision lies in the hands of his parents, whose choice was to keep him alive. But they were denied the right to keep their child alive because of that legislation. Where is the media circus over that?
When will Bush supporters get wind of this and get angry enough to hate him? When? When will the masses wake up and see how horrible this country behaves, and how selfish we are when it comes to the welfare of all, not just the status quo, or the wealthy? What will it take for us to see the truth, to face ourselves and come to terms with who we really are as a nation and as a global society?
What baffled me about the news coverage, was that they could not decide between talking about the commission report concerning the choice bush made to go to war because of the information that was found by that commission, which, of course, turned out to be false, and the Shiavo case. And they kept interrupting the correspondent who was awaiting bushs entrance into the room, asking if he was going to make a comment about Terri Shiavo?!!?!?! What the fuck is that all about? Is that what is more important right now? A veritable gossip column taking the spotlight over the reason we went to WAR? How can that possibly be more important or more interesting?
Not that what Bush had to say was important. He didnt really say anything. His speech- writers have perfected the art of bull-shitting your way through a statement being made to the press regarding something that makes the president look bad.
Well, maybe Americans who wanted the feeding tube re-inserted will get angry at the system that governs this nation. I disagree with the government getting involved in private matters, although hoards of people seem to think otherwise. But maybe this will trigger something in the emotions of Americans that their government is not on their side. The government is on its own side. I abhor Congress because of their choice to get involved in this battle between families. How many other things are going on that effect millions of people which were put aside to focus on one? How many other people are being ignored in their terminal medical condition simply because they have no money for medical care???
Why are we so upset about this woman when we barely hear anything about the 6-year-old boy that had his feeding tube removed in Texas because of a piece of legislation, signed by Bush, stating that people without money for medical care will not be helped, that there will be no exceptions. Where were the protestors picketing outside of the hospital of that little boy? A little boy whose family did NOT want to give up on their child, a child who had not written an advanced directive, a child whos decision lies in the hands of his parents, whose choice was to keep him alive. But they were denied the right to keep their child alive because of that legislation. Where is the media circus over that?
When will Bush supporters get wind of this and get angry enough to hate him? When? When will the masses wake up and see how horrible this country behaves, and how selfish we are when it comes to the welfare of all, not just the status quo, or the wealthy? What will it take for us to see the truth, to face ourselves and come to terms with who we really are as a nation and as a global society?

Yes...I'm so fucking frustrated at the world right now.