Okay, so how much of a dork am I??? I change all the clocks in my house except......guess....my ALArm CLock?!!?!?!? I don't know how the fuck I manage these things, but I did it. So, I'm getting ready and my cell phone starts exploding in my bed while my poor roomate is still asleep, mind you it's fucking 5am....or so I thought..It was actually 6am,... Read More
I have never minded the 'fall back' where we get an extra hour of sleep. Every time the 'spring ahead' portion kicks in I want to shoot Ben Franklin for ever coming up with the concept.
Since most of us end up going to work before the sun comes up and stay until it goes down . . . what does it matter these days anyway?
i'm soooo sleepy right now...good morning ya'll....I have to pay my rent today, do my laundry, and then I have a bunch of reading to do for my classes. We're reading Poe and Milton right now. Sweet.
So I wake up this morning and switch on the TV to catch some morning news while I try to wake up. CNN is the first thing I notice, and they tell me that Terri Shiavo has died. They also are awaiting bush to come out to make comments regarding the commission he had make research attempts into Americas intelligence community to look into the... Read More
Hey i just came back from the campus after speaking to the admission advisor for the English dept. and they said I can enroll in Honors!!!!! Woohoo! I rawk