Something I really like about rambling here, is that I can express ideas and parts of myself that would otherwise probably shock, scare or confuse my stock facebook acquaintance. I don't mean to belittle them, mind you (nor elevate you, for that matter). It's just an observation. Maybe I'm more comfortable with disclosure in these particular confines. Certainly I am in good company as far as disclosure and expression, even as my transparency is a bit cryptic and muddled. I like that when I think in such a way as I do now, that I can pull up this page and ramble without concern...or perhaps I ramble to let go of concerns. Indeed, something in the writing process is fantastically therapeutic. It's like anonymous group therapy; the writing ...and reading.
So, since last time, not too long ago, winter has been mild in my realm. All the woe of "winter is coming to the realm" has yet to transpire in the apocalyptic dimensions no Mayan ever prophesied. Thankfully not too many people completely lost their shit. Although some extreme burst of stupidity always seems to be brewing somewhere ...brewing somewhere? ...hmmm, such a common phrase, but what does it mean? has a sort of anti-witchery bend to it, and as a magician and a brewer, I take offense. So, let's just rather say "fuckered-up shit is fomenting". Really, what is up with all the hate people??? I don't even have time to call you all out (cough-ugandafrancerussiaUS-cough), but you know who you are!! Rrrrgh!
Ahhh, and the gun-control shite here in the US is a bugger, too. I wish the NRA was as vigilant about teaching the owners of firearms how to properly secure their weapons as they are about their efforts to stymie the power of the ATF and gun control laws. And the level of vitriol and ignorance spewing from the virtual public commons is unsettling, at best.
Yet, I sit here. Cozy. Drinking my second pour and dreaming of a sagardotegi to call my home.
(not so secretly i wonder who might venture to know the meaning of that peculiar word back there)
life is an aetheric yet palpable delight ...i hope you all are savoring it well as helping create and share it
be cool, y'all
Writing on here just feels easier when it comes to certain things.
And yeah, there is so much ugliness happening in the world, I find myself wondering if it's always been happening and I'm just now noticing, or if our collective conscious is having a melt down somehow.
Enjoy yourself, and perhaps soon, I will be up in your neck of the woods and more present than I was when you saw me last and able to sit and have a beer or whiskey with you
As far as those demons go, I am breathing and immersing myself in art and music, both of which have always been soul healing. That and lots of quiet reflective time