hello all you beautiful souls in SG land
it's time again to wander inside my mind
today is a likable day
if for no other reason than that's what I feel
the daylight fills this room
and wood from blessed trees warms its soul
and mine
i give thanks to those trees
and others
for their fruit and their fire
and eventually their shade
I give thanks for these rugs beneath my feet
in one I noticed a detail i'd never before seen
a black mark
a rectangle
and the only one on the entire rug
this rug, woven by one or many
of a tribe in the mountains of Persia
(or so I've been told)
such a mystery
the stories woven into rugs
of the earth and above the earth
on the best ones we play
and pray
and fly
in other, but related, news
idle no more
you should know what that means
and if you don't
ask google
or the sky
or the trees
we are all children of many tribes
but all of one earth
what stories do you weave?
what mark is your life?
I am a bastard child
of strong, kind bulls
and lost bohemian gypsies
abandoned to the suburbs
but rediscovered in a forest
and by the spirits in the soil
i am a sibling to my brothers and sisters
critters and wood
wind and water
fire and rock
blessings to them and all the directions
we survived yet another apocalypse
yesterday, today and tomorrow
always a time to begin anew
To Earth!!
To Life!!


Good to see you are in a positive frame of mind <3

good stuff.