Well, I suppose it's time that I update this little dealie-o. And though little has changed since the last blog, or at least in terms of work's dominance over my daily life this summer, it's good to make time to reflect and share n shit (...even though I really ought be sleeping, for tomorrow will be full and starting early)
eeegads, i'm just spewing out words and attempting to be clever, yet not saying much of anything of substance ...my apologies ...truly
but what can I say, really?
what do you want to know?
I could bitch about all the shortcomings of the SG mobile app, which is something I'm quite versed in. I rarely resuscitate my laptop anymore, but it means having to make sacrifices ...of which, one is the aforementioned app and how it won't allow peeps to explore posted links or <ahem> update one's blog ....how terribly unfortunate, no?
ok now, that aside...
...and on to more prudent ponderings
oh, but that's dangerous, what with all my radical and peculiar inclinations ...politics, art, food, religion, science, child rearing ...take your pick, because I can't really make up my mind ....and whoa, look at the time ...i seem to remember needing sleep
does this suffice?
ok, here ..how's this? ...i look forward to winter nights; finding warmth in a cozy pub and immersing myself in the joys of crowd and stage ...summer festival schmestival ...give me a dark rainy chill, a pint of dry cider, a full house of cheer and bohemian troubadours from another dimension
but the sun is cool, too
i do miss the rainy winters in the pacific northwest though, that wet weather is perfect for coffee shops and pubs and fires
i always loved the feeling of walking into a pub/coffee shop (not starbucks, the local cozy places) and feeling the rain slide off my head and dry as i drank and read a book. somehow that feeling just can't be replicated when it's warm out.
i hear there's a big derby tourney being planned out your way in feburary as well. perhaps if luck and time and cash provide the opportunity, i will finally get to experience eugene, ahhh a girl can dream...
i'm ready for winter, i love how everything just kind of slows down that time of year, and i do have a soft spot for warm sweaters and clothing in general
if i can find a way to afford the time off work and the plane ticket up there, you got yourself a deal