funk temporarily averted
I got to spend a few hours in my garden today, soothed by the cool, moist air and vibrant green mandalas of various members of the brassicaceae family. My soil's health is progressing nicely, reflected in the abundance and vitality of all those collards and kales n' such. I also spent some time raking leaves and adding layers to my compost. Two other piles are finished and full of writhing worms, inspiring thoughts of new projects ...more beds for bamboo to screen the hideous chainlink fence, security light and stark asphalt parking lot of the church next door ...or maybe some coldframes built closer to the kitchen to house salad greens. I'm so thankful to have a productive and happy garden again ...been a long time coming.
I got to spend a few hours in my garden today, soothed by the cool, moist air and vibrant green mandalas of various members of the brassicaceae family. My soil's health is progressing nicely, reflected in the abundance and vitality of all those collards and kales n' such. I also spent some time raking leaves and adding layers to my compost. Two other piles are finished and full of writhing worms, inspiring thoughts of new projects ...more beds for bamboo to screen the hideous chainlink fence, security light and stark asphalt parking lot of the church next door ...or maybe some coldframes built closer to the kitchen to house salad greens. I'm so thankful to have a productive and happy garden again ...been a long time coming.
Thank you. I love coffee.
Thank you so much for the comments on my set!