last night was fun, rolling in at 10am fun.
the vaudville was a hoot ...can hardly wait for the next one! ...nights such as that make the wet Eugene winters worthwhile. I had hoped the zombie walk might happen last night, but alas the organizers are keeping proper to the calendar and doing it tonite. My kids are with me again starting today, so I'll have to pass again this year, but last night leaves me with no regrets ...i think. :-)
cupid was out with full artillery for a valentine's eve assault
i was awash in the wild menagerie of flirts, friends, crushes, lovers and others
...wound up getting cozy with complicated-date-woman ...the delayed spark is kinda blowing my mind
i completely did not anticipate the resonant vibes we found in close quarters. I slept nigh a wink, feeling our hearts beat together and listening to the rain dance on the skylights.
...though naturally fate is not without a twisted sense of humor ...our kid schedules are completely opposing, making for yet more complication ...guess i'll just see how it plays out
happy valentine's day, mes amis
...may yours be magical and real
fate is indeed a tricky thing.