I gotta say, getting old is getting me down. Yeah, I know, I'm not THAT old, but it's happening. Love and adventure have become distant dreams of my youth. I ought not complain much though. Those years were good, blessed with loves and adventures to entertain my memories for years to come. But now, the mundane is my master. I live a monastic life. I...
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You'll be missed 

I think mine runs out next month.
I am probably going to take the same path.
all my best
I am probably going to take the same path.
all my best
It was bound to happen sooner or later...
...that disturbing moment when looking at a set, transfixed on a model who reminds me of a lover from my memories. And then, a little math whispers in my ear, "She could be your daughter."
Thanks for your love on my set !
But indeed the title is wrong - I guess the photographer kinda messed it up a bit when he submitted the set.

But indeed the title is wrong - I guess the photographer kinda messed it up a bit when he submitted the set.
I want to create a future
that isn't
so fucking

thank for comm , is not its just black tree 

Is why I'm leaving Southern California.
Is why I'm leaving Southern California.
you must watch
MUST, i say!!
(the effect is sooo much better on a bigger screen and with decent speakers ....soooo, just watch the whole thing, ok, yah?)
MUST, i say!!
(the effect is sooo much better on a bigger screen and with decent speakers ....soooo, just watch the whole thing, ok, yah?)
wow so great

so, this week had me thinking
ha! ...a shocker
thinking a bit about my last post
when i wrote it I had other thoughts in mind than the ones that actually manifested through the interface of phalangeal articulation upon my keyboard
so, i felt a bit disingenuous
what with the final product not exactly resembling anything all that personal or revealing
or so i thought...
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ha! ...a shocker
thinking a bit about my last post
when i wrote it I had other thoughts in mind than the ones that actually manifested through the interface of phalangeal articulation upon my keyboard
so, i felt a bit disingenuous
what with the final product not exactly resembling anything all that personal or revealing
or so i thought...
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Thanks for the compliment
I'm glad I inspired your creativity. Someday I've got to sample some cider. I can always barter some art prints for a bottle

Good luck with the cider pub, let me know if you need any art done for it. I usually take about a week or two to complete a project, depending on its complexity.
Take care.

Something I really like about rambling here, is that I can express ideas and parts of myself that would otherwise probably shock, scare or confuse my stock facebook acquaintance. I don't mean to belittle them, mind you (nor elevate you, for that matter). It's just an observation. Maybe I'm more comfortable with disclosure in these particular confines. Certainly I am in good company as far...
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I feel the same way about this place.
Writing on here just feels easier when it comes to certain things.
And yeah, there is so much ugliness happening in the world, I find myself wondering if it's always been happening and I'm just now noticing, or if our collective conscious is having a melt down somehow.
Enjoy yourself, and perhaps soon, I will be up in your neck of the woods and more present than I was when you saw me last and able to sit and have a beer or whiskey with you
Writing on here just feels easier when it comes to certain things.
And yeah, there is so much ugliness happening in the world, I find myself wondering if it's always been happening and I'm just now noticing, or if our collective conscious is having a melt down somehow.

Enjoy yourself, and perhaps soon, I will be up in your neck of the woods and more present than I was when you saw me last and able to sit and have a beer or whiskey with you

A cider sounds delightful!!
As far as those demons go, I am breathing and immersing myself in art and music, both of which have always been soul healing. That and lots of quiet reflective time
As far as those demons go, I am breathing and immersing myself in art and music, both of which have always been soul healing. That and lots of quiet reflective time

hello all you beautiful souls in SG land
it's time again to wander inside my mind
today is a likable day
if for no other reason than that's what I feel
the daylight fills this room
and wood from blessed trees warms its soul
and mine
i give thanks to those trees
and others
for their fruit and their fire
and eventually their shade
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Good to see you are in a positive frame of mind <3
good stuff.
hmmm, it's update time, i s'pose.
It's past 2 pm and I'm still lingering in bed. I have virtually no work lined up this week, which is a blessing of sorts in that I get some much needed time to relax, but the loss of income always makes me a little nervous. Still, it's better to embrace the blessing than swim in the fear.
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It's past 2 pm and I'm still lingering in bed. I have virtually no work lined up this week, which is a blessing of sorts in that I get some much needed time to relax, but the loss of income always makes me a little nervous. Still, it's better to embrace the blessing than swim in the fear.
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<3 Thank you for that.
And getting away to have coffee/tea with you last weekend helped (even if I was a still really rattled and a little out of it). And of course it was just nice being able to sit and chat for a bit
And getting away to have coffee/tea with you last weekend helped (even if I was a still really rattled and a little out of it). And of course it was just nice being able to sit and chat for a bit

Actually I've always been able to lucid dream and manipulate everything while i'm dreaming but my body knows it's not being produced in real life so I actually get even more anxious

ugh, that old post is getting tattered and dusty
...time for a new one
let's see...
it's winter, or damn near close enough
I actually read somewhere that the concept of seasons has gone through a variety of phases in nearly every culture. Around here, there's pretty much rainy and not-rainy (or at least that's my current paradigm ...come spring things will be undoubtedly different...
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You are so right -- it could be much worse. One thing I've learned over the years -- airing my little vents in public does make them seem much smaller.
I have always loved this time of year. The cold and the dark. A time for introspection or as you say, reacquainting oneself with their inner hearth.
There is nothing dreary about that.

I have always loved this time of year. The cold and the dark. A time for introspection or as you say, reacquainting oneself with their inner hearth.
There is nothing dreary about that.

I did actually arm myself with rose quartz (to soothe my heart) and lapis (for psychic protection) the next time I went to work... but the lil dude was absent that day! Haha.
Enjoy your rainy solitude and self-reacquaintance. Blessings to you. ♥
Enjoy your rainy solitude and self-reacquaintance. Blessings to you. ♥