I gave my bug to my father-in-law. The hung far low sign is gone so I can't take a new pic with the new car...maybe I can photoshop something?

Going camping for my birthday next weekend. Don't you wish you were me? I thought so.
Hey, spring equinox has just passed so I thought it was about time to start thinking about those lazy days spent on the beach this summer. Start making your plans and don't forget the beer!

Check out this clip to see what I'm talking about

At the beach

Happy Birthday, you rogue, you.

Happy summer solstice, a little late, sorry.

I've been insanely busy the last couple of months and I haven't even had time to log in here and look at all the lovely nekkid ladies....let alone take time to keep up with the comings and goings of my friends.

If I don't run into you somewhere else, maybe I'll see you at: the big shindig

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I appreciate the advising.

What's the Gorge?

We'll be in Portland Thursday to Sunday (give or take a day or 2). Budget is limited but not low, so splurges are totally possible.
Hey, I'm sorry I'm not on the West Coast: my "partner" bonfirecollapse would have loved to go to the shindig: he goes to car shows a lot with his father.

PS: Playing Doctor WAS much more fun than the upside down Big Wheel biggrin
How Many Group Members Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

One to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has
been changed.

Fourteen to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs
and how the light bulb could have been changed differently.

Seven to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs.

Seven more to point out spelling/grammar errors in...
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It's funny, because it's true.
Hahahahaha! You said it, brother!
The average man, who does not know what to do with his life, wants another one which will last forever.
- Anatole France

I was watching a movie the other day, don't know the name, the main char. is a just out of high shcool guy with hippy parents who live on the beach in Cali. and run a surf shop, hang out with the...
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Come join me tonight at Blasphemy Ball
rad profile picture. that place used to serve us booze when we were underage in college. we just used our student id's.