Saturday night and I'm home, again. I would love to have a sitter for my kids so we could go out, but there isn't anyone I trust who is available. And she lets me go out by myself sometimes but I spend the whole time out feeling guilty for having a good time while she's home watching tv.
Every weds. I go downtown PDX to pick up parts for my business and then I spend some time walking around the square and then down to Powells to browse the books or over to Roxy for a Royale with cheese and some coffee and fries or to the India food place in the parking lot up by the Library if I want healthy food. I spend a couple of hours doing things I used to do before I had a family so I can feel like I'm still ME and not this 35 years old guy with a family and a dog and a job and a house fucking payment
And I always feel guilty for taking this time away from my kids but I know if I don't get away on a regular basis I'll go nuts.
I had this idea today, I want to make a sign like the one in Peanuts that Lucy sets up "the doctor is in" 5(I have no fucking cent sign, I never noticed that before) Anyway, I want to set it up in the square and see if people come tell my their problems. I wonder if the cops would boot me. I think it would be fun...
Wolk up late this morning, made love to my girl, made waffles with the boys and got to work waaaaayyy late...It was really nice. I even got to watch some cartoons with the boys while we ate, so it as a very nice morning...Oh, and the sex was good too
Did you see Venice's set? I don't know why, but it really got to me, maybe because she looks sad and lonely in some of the pics( I might be projecting)
So, the Doc is in...what seems to be the problem, tell me all about it. Maybe I can help........
Every weds. I go downtown PDX to pick up parts for my business and then I spend some time walking around the square and then down to Powells to browse the books or over to Roxy for a Royale with cheese and some coffee and fries or to the India food place in the parking lot up by the Library if I want healthy food. I spend a couple of hours doing things I used to do before I had a family so I can feel like I'm still ME and not this 35 years old guy with a family and a dog and a job and a house fucking payment

I had this idea today, I want to make a sign like the one in Peanuts that Lucy sets up "the doctor is in" 5(I have no fucking cent sign, I never noticed that before) Anyway, I want to set it up in the square and see if people come tell my their problems. I wonder if the cops would boot me. I think it would be fun...

Wolk up late this morning, made love to my girl, made waffles with the boys and got to work waaaaayyy late...It was really nice. I even got to watch some cartoons with the boys while we ate, so it as a very nice morning...Oh, and the sex was good too

Did you see Venice's set? I don't know why, but it really got to me, maybe because she looks sad and lonely in some of the pics( I might be projecting)
So, the Doc is in...what seems to be the problem, tell me all about it. Maybe I can help........

Your welcome honey, and everyone needs some time alone you shouldn't feel guilty about it. You know you love your wife and kids but no-one can stand to be someone 24/7. So relax and enjoy the time you have on your own, then come home and show your wife and kids how much you love them.