6 months later and I thought I would check into the old SG once more. I bought a live music venue/bar out on 82nd called Red Room, come check it out and if you see me there say hi. Big punkrock and metal shows thurs-sat and whtever else we can book on other nights. I'd love to get some rockabilly shows going soon, if you...
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Alright, I'm back again, one more try to see if there is any life left in this place.
I've been busy with the new jewelry store in Hillsboro for the last year and a half and it seems to be running alright so i'm going to be dedicating this summer to pursuing my favorite interests (chasing tail and.....can't think of anything else right now) and...
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I've been busy with the new jewelry store in Hillsboro for the last year and a half and it seems to be running alright so i'm going to be dedicating this summer to pursuing my favorite interests (chasing tail and.....can't think of anything else right now) and...
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Welcome back
Well, I've been gone for 5 months, did you miss me? I'll probably drop this acount sometime in the near future because I didn't miss it too terribly much. Come find me on facebook.
Damn, everybody seems to be migrating over to Facebook. All of my original friends have left SG, for the most part. Makes me rather sad. *sigh*
I've had only a halfhearted interest in this place for quite a while, too, actually. Don't know why I can't seem to bring myself to leave. (One of these days I guess I really should head to Facebook.)
At least I still have the photos you took at the SG/Pdx/Geezer gathering many moons ago.
Bonne chance!!
I've had only a halfhearted interest in this place for quite a while, too, actually. Don't know why I can't seem to bring myself to leave. (One of these days I guess I really should head to Facebook.)
At least I still have the photos you took at the SG/Pdx/Geezer gathering many moons ago.

Bonne chance!!
My heart goes out to her kids and her family. Your comment was very sweet and funny.

I still can't believe it.


Life is funny, the way it slips up on you when you aren't paying attention. One moment you are doing fine, nice balance of work and play, time for family and friends, hobbies and relaxation, even find time for sex...then one day you look around and suddenly relize that you are working more than ever, it's been a couple years since you took more than...
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I did some of the best writing I've done in a long time this morning, and then my kids crashed my computer before I could save any of the work...I don;t know if I'm up to trying to recreate it.
Short version: Obama won, Yea.
Short version: Obama won, Yea.

Hey there! How are you doing? It has been a while...
GO VOTE NOW! Do it right, vote for the future, not the past. Vote for hope, not fear. Vote for what you believe is right. Unless, of course, you were going to vote for the crazy old guy that hangs out at the VFW, in that case you should probably stay home and load all your guns in preperation for the coming armagedon.
Genitorturers : November 1st at Dante's
I gave my bug to my father-in-law. The hung far low sign is gone so I can't take a new pic with the new car...maybe I can photoshop something?
Going camping for my birthday next weekend. Don't you wish you were me? I thought so.
Going camping for my birthday next weekend. Don't you wish you were me? I thought so.
Hey, spring equinox has just passed so I thought it was about time to start thinking about those lazy days spent on the beach this summer. Start making your plans and don't forget the beer!
Check out this clip to see what I'm talking about
At the beach
Check out this clip to see what I'm talking about
At the beach