Goddamnit, goddamnit, goddamnit.
Useless, useless, useless life.
Everyone, honestly now:
What good is your own life when you can't even live it for yourself?
In Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein stated that love was the condition whereby another person's happiness is essential to your own. That presents a problem. Any friend that is a member of or near my Inner Circle immediately falls under that catagory, guys and girls alike (and mostly guys since they're pretty much all the friends I've got).
As it stands, I'm at times the only one who really knows the difference between the one I really, truly love and the rest of my really close friends, just because my actions and sharings and dealings are the same throughout.
Since I cannot fall in love, because no one is there, I would settle for wings. But I've been denied those, too.
Why should I bother being nice at all to people who don't bother being nice back? I think I've got all the good karma I need, so bring out the fuckin AK-47s and the guillotines. I feel like startin' me a bloody-as-fuck revolution. Against what, you ask? I dunno. Kill the President maybe, set up Iggy's fascist government.
How would you all like to have Iggy in charge of the country from now on?
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Selbstmordmdchen
And with that, I'm off like the power at Petco,
P.S. On a lighter note, the phrase "God is dead" rhymes in German. "Gott ist tot." Hee hee hee. I giggle every time I say it. It even sounds like a taunt. Thank you, Nietzsche!
Man must either be pampered or annihilated
- Machiavelli
Useless, useless, useless life.
Everyone, honestly now:
What good is your own life when you can't even live it for yourself?
In Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein stated that love was the condition whereby another person's happiness is essential to your own. That presents a problem. Any friend that is a member of or near my Inner Circle immediately falls under that catagory, guys and girls alike (and mostly guys since they're pretty much all the friends I've got).
As it stands, I'm at times the only one who really knows the difference between the one I really, truly love and the rest of my really close friends, just because my actions and sharings and dealings are the same throughout.
Since I cannot fall in love, because no one is there, I would settle for wings. But I've been denied those, too.
Why should I bother being nice at all to people who don't bother being nice back? I think I've got all the good karma I need, so bring out the fuckin AK-47s and the guillotines. I feel like startin' me a bloody-as-fuck revolution. Against what, you ask? I dunno. Kill the President maybe, set up Iggy's fascist government.
How would you all like to have Iggy in charge of the country from now on?
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Selbstmordmdchen
And with that, I'm off like the power at Petco,
P.S. On a lighter note, the phrase "God is dead" rhymes in German. "Gott ist tot." Hee hee hee. I giggle every time I say it. It even sounds like a taunt. Thank you, Nietzsche!
Man must either be pampered or annihilated
- Machiavelli
if you pull em off I heard you can keep em!! no more denial 4 u! woohoo!
yay...i can't wait....