Now, back to the life at hand. Or rather, my reasonabe facsimilie thereof.
To recap, my weekend was nice and enjoyable. The only mishap was the hamster projectile-pissing in my eye, but these things happen every now and then, don't they? I mean, what's a life, if not unlived, if you've never had a small rodent send streams of warm ammonia into your visual sensory organs while you are busily massaging its genital region trying to determine its gender?
Answer THAT and stay fashionable!!
Other than that silly little incident, Saturday went very well. Another diner night, as one of my previous posts mentioned.
Sunday was downright fun. I finally paid my friend Liz back for helping me with my Soiree costume by taking her out to eat at Stir Crazy. Oh yes, good times for all. Then afterwards, I bought my first Depeche Mode and Duran Duran albums (Violator and Duran Duran 2 respectively).
Afterwards, we drove around listening to Coheed and Cambria's newest album and even stopped at the Romantic Depot to laugh at the titles of porn movies. Mary Carey's newest movie, a porno rendition of her bid for governor of California, almost makes me wish I watched porno movies. It has Ron Jeremy playing the part of that Spanish guy and some other guy playing Arnold Schwarzenegger's character. It just looks like good, clean family fun to me. Kinda like The Ozporns.
Anyway, that's my weekend playback. The only other eventful news is that I made a very cool new friend (always a bonus) last night. Iggy you're a pleasure to talk to, and a fine, upstanding human being. And by human being, I mean New Jersey-ite.
Oh yes, and finally, I have decided, after a very tedious day at work yesterday, that I am, in fact, racist. But before you start casting stones, let me explain. I am racist, yes...
...against the human race.
I don't differentiate. Ethnicities, religions, genders... If you're cool, then you're cool regardless who you are. But if you piss me off, then you piss me off regardless, too. And since almost everybody pisses me off, I've decided that I'm racist against people.
After all, if you're gonna do something as extreme as be racist, might as well take it its full and logical course, right?
Well, that's my take on the universe at large and the world at small. And all the shit sandwiched in between.
Coo coo ca choo, and gesundheit to you, motherfuckers,
I leave you now with this startling message scientists recieved yesterday from the world's remaining natural habitats:

To recap, my weekend was nice and enjoyable. The only mishap was the hamster projectile-pissing in my eye, but these things happen every now and then, don't they? I mean, what's a life, if not unlived, if you've never had a small rodent send streams of warm ammonia into your visual sensory organs while you are busily massaging its genital region trying to determine its gender?
Answer THAT and stay fashionable!!
Other than that silly little incident, Saturday went very well. Another diner night, as one of my previous posts mentioned.
Sunday was downright fun. I finally paid my friend Liz back for helping me with my Soiree costume by taking her out to eat at Stir Crazy. Oh yes, good times for all. Then afterwards, I bought my first Depeche Mode and Duran Duran albums (Violator and Duran Duran 2 respectively).
Afterwards, we drove around listening to Coheed and Cambria's newest album and even stopped at the Romantic Depot to laugh at the titles of porn movies. Mary Carey's newest movie, a porno rendition of her bid for governor of California, almost makes me wish I watched porno movies. It has Ron Jeremy playing the part of that Spanish guy and some other guy playing Arnold Schwarzenegger's character. It just looks like good, clean family fun to me. Kinda like The Ozporns.
Anyway, that's my weekend playback. The only other eventful news is that I made a very cool new friend (always a bonus) last night. Iggy you're a pleasure to talk to, and a fine, upstanding human being. And by human being, I mean New Jersey-ite.
Oh yes, and finally, I have decided, after a very tedious day at work yesterday, that I am, in fact, racist. But before you start casting stones, let me explain. I am racist, yes...
...against the human race.
I don't differentiate. Ethnicities, religions, genders... If you're cool, then you're cool regardless who you are. But if you piss me off, then you piss me off regardless, too. And since almost everybody pisses me off, I've decided that I'm racist against people.
After all, if you're gonna do something as extreme as be racist, might as well take it its full and logical course, right?
Well, that's my take on the universe at large and the world at small. And all the shit sandwiched in between.
Coo coo ca choo, and gesundheit to you, motherfuckers,
I leave you now with this startling message scientists recieved yesterday from the world's remaining natural habitats:

sorry about the hampster peeing in your face.