Rachel Ray's voice is annoying. She sounds like those annoying women in that
Broadway clothing commercial. WHERE ARE YOU GIADA!?!?!?!?! I'd even
settle for a little Anthony Bourdain right now...
I did put a bit much garlic on my pizza and now I'm radiating funk...
now that Im done perving out to the cooking channel...My Celebration last night was fun. Just went out with my girl and her roommate to the closest bar which had a "Burlesque" show that was strippers not taking off clothes and dancing around poles to shitty music. I havn't been to a strip joint yet, so im not gonna count that one...haha.
Got me PCA license in the mail and now its time to make some magic happened.
Jesus fuck I'm a spaz....
oooooooh snaps!!... i'll definitely be there...
she makes awesome food but i have to mute it with subtitles