BAH! I need to spend more time not doing anything...its really hard when theres so many do's!!! Damn....
so I have a show tonight at Nick's Nightclub, it should be fun. You can hear us at the Brass Hysteria! HQ. We nede to practice so much more but we dont really have time. Hopefully today works out.
I ditched my O chem class to get food and an early start on some hw. That class makes me feel so stupid. Im not an idiot by any means but getting a 0% on every quiz says something. Maybe its not me. Maybe its the teacher. Regardless, this is the only thing that I am really waiting for with school. After that I have a bachelor and after that I pay debt. Im not sure if I want to go into my field just yet. We shall see what happens...
in the meantime...
COMMENT ON MY FUCKING SET! Shit. Its slightly annoying...but at the same time I like taking nudie pics of myself...

Paix - Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
but if you book shows there, i'll definitely show up...