god, ive been to 7 shows in the last 9 days! I should probably spend less time in the bar and more time in school....bah!
so since I have it fresh on my mind, I just saw Roxy Epoxy and the Rebound last night and they were not only super nice but a lot of fun to watch.
Roxy is a whirlwind on stage. She unplugged 3 instruments during the set. SOSOSOSOSO much fun!
they did a cover of the Epoxies which brought me back to SF, the last time I saw her preform.
the new girl decided to get back with the ex...whatev...ive become jaded in my ripe age of 25, shoulda known better.
So now there's an even newer girl that is the best sex I ever had but we have nothing to talk about.....
my life is soooooooooo rough!

Ill get it down though. Ive got freedom and my youth and no one can take that away but me
