Friday May 16, 2008 May 16, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIDEO!!!!!! (stop motion) Stay Golden Dj Dr Bonez VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS jaylin: You already know how I feel about Chico, and since my best friend wont be living there anymore after graduation I'll probably never venture up there Also, SG Prom? Wanna meet up before at whatever pre-prom event there is??? And/or at my apartment? Let me know May 19, 2008 omeganightmare: nah its down in SF from a few years ago during pub squat. Yah I'll be up there for sure. Maybe I can talk a few other folks from class to check it out too. May 19, 2008
Also, SG Prom? Wanna meet up before at whatever pre-prom event there is??? And/or at my apartment? Let me know
Yah I'll be up there for sure. Maybe I can talk a few other folks from class to check it out too.