holy shit today was crazy. I woke up at 5 am today on 4 hours of sleep to get to the organic farm for their first lettuce harvest. From there I jetted home and knocked out a power point presentation on endo/ecto mycorrhizae and its beneficial effects in agriculture. Spoke about it for about 20 minutes. Wrote a 4 page paper on compost. Went to another class. Hosted a pizza party for the greenhouse production class (Im the new president of the Chico State Plant Science club). Passed out for an hour and barely woke up on time to catch peoples seior presentations for review.
Now Im sitting alone in an empty house wondering what to do.
Life is crazy when your waiting for the world to catch up to you.
I want to go running but its too late right now...
To do list
1. Still motion photography project.
2. Senior research paper on seed germination rates due in a week
3. Study for all my exams
4. Find out what the fuck is going on with the DMV and make them give me my license back.
5. Zen the fuck out
female partner in crime. MUST hug trees, be independent, smart, must be able to handle someone who is well endowed, not smelly, drug free (except for alcohol) enjoy going to shows and be ACTIVE.
bonus points if your a vegetarian, like bugs, can SKANK like a motherfucker, can swing dance, over 21 (sorry kiddies), tattoos/piercings, into photography, runner, can kick my butt, vocal, and is not a punk ass....
Feel free to inquire within. Many perks and a surplus of benefits to the hiree. 401k plans available

god Im a sexy bitch

FINALLY! My last radio show till august is tomo from 4-6 pst on Kcsc radio.com
Yay Chico I will be out of here soon though San Jose here I come!!!
Yeh I know but I am sick of the country and miss the city life!!!