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Im about to check out a new place in a little bit. Hopefully its legit, it sounds like it anyways.
heres a couple panorama shots i did this week

Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost
nature's first green is gold,
her hardest hue to hold.
her early leaf's a flower;
but only so an hour.
then leaf subsides to leaf.
so eden sank to grief,
so dawn goes down to day.
nothing gold can stay.

Im about to check out a new place in a little bit. Hopefully its legit, it sounds like it anyways.
heres a couple panorama shots i did this week

Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost
nature's first green is gold,
her hardest hue to hold.
her early leaf's a flower;
but only so an hour.
then leaf subsides to leaf.
so eden sank to grief,
so dawn goes down to day.
nothing gold can stay.
I'm pretty sure I look so outrageously uggo in the first 5 days, but I'm just trying to get over the fact that I'm not gonna look like this forever, and I'm just healing. It sucks cause I didn't even want this surgery, I had to have it in order to breath at night and not have allergy attacks so bad that they left me missing days of work. Stupid car accident.
I don't know, what DO you tell a girl with two black eyes?