For real and wanna-be redheads, and those that love or envy us.
A place for those of us who have chosen not to reproduce to discuss birth control, dealing with family members who just don't understand, and how to socialize when you're the only one left not hosting children's parties. This is a drama free group and [b]everyone with a journal and …
All things related to tv shows and cartoons! Woo! Please don't spoil anything!
A group for people who just love big boobs. Post your favorites, talk about your favorites, bask in boob glory. P.S. No milk jokes. Ever.
Love rolling 20's? Fear the dreaded fumble? Do you have to hold your breath everytime you make a will save? Do you know what a will save is? Do you dream of one day killing a dragon? Then this is the place for you! A group for adventurers from far …
Couchsurf your way around the world, and/or help others on their journey! - Members, please only apply for the group if you have been on the site 1 year or longer, have a profile photo, and a decent history of blogs and comments. - SGs and Hopefuls will be approved …
Small Boobs! Big Boobs! Boobs that look like rocks! Fake Boobs! Skinny Boobs! Even boobs in boobie socks! No spam no drama nuff said! If you have any questions regarding this group contact moderators @lil_tuffy or @nonamenumberfive
All things astrology, zodiac, divination, you name it!