WARNING: This post contains a sad story with a happy ending, the loss of some friends, the colour black, pictures, a stupid girl and a present.
I've been on the site for almost a year now. I have never deleted anyone off my friends list, but the time has come. I can't deal with 5 or 6 pages of bookmarks. So here's the deal: I won't delete you if you leave me comments most of the time. If you don't really ever leave me comments, but don't want me to delete you just let me know.
ok now on with the update.
Last Friday I went to a friend of a friend's party. It was pretty boring and I took off pretty early. Here is a picture of me and the dog that lived there
about an hour after this picture was taken the dog was hit by a car. I kid you not. I had already left when it happend (thank God). Don't worry though cause the dog is fine. They rushed her to the vet and she didn't even have a broken bone, just scared and shaken. The driver who hit her didn't even stop. He knew he hit her and drove AROUND her! Can you believe that?!?! I'm just so glad that Fiona (the dog) wasn't hurt or killed.
I died my hair the other day. I thought I got black dye, but I got blue/black. Can't really tell though.
.......waitin for the dye to do it's stuff.......

♥ I talked to a girl this week that had never heard of the game Pong.
♥ I watched the move Fever Pitch the other night. I thought it was pretty good.
♥ I'm really excited cause fall is on it's way! SWEATER WEATHER!
♥ I haven't had McDonalds in a week
♥ I haven't been to Wal Mart since I was in the States
♥ I just finished watching Bones and now I'm going to watch My Name is Earl
♥ I'm reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (book 4 in Narnia)
The weather has been awesome that last few days!
see.....this is the view from my window
This is Tessa chillin' in the bathroom
ohhhhh my shoes I bought off ebay came. I think I might buy all my shoes off ebay. I drew the hearts on them...cause I'm a girl ok?!?!

I would like to thank dholokhov for coming by my work and giving me a movie pass. It was really sweet and he's really great! Thanks again.
ok that will do
I've been on the site for almost a year now. I have never deleted anyone off my friends list, but the time has come. I can't deal with 5 or 6 pages of bookmarks. So here's the deal: I won't delete you if you leave me comments most of the time. If you don't really ever leave me comments, but don't want me to delete you just let me know.
ok now on with the update.
Last Friday I went to a friend of a friend's party. It was pretty boring and I took off pretty early. Here is a picture of me and the dog that lived there

about an hour after this picture was taken the dog was hit by a car. I kid you not. I had already left when it happend (thank God). Don't worry though cause the dog is fine. They rushed her to the vet and she didn't even have a broken bone, just scared and shaken. The driver who hit her didn't even stop. He knew he hit her and drove AROUND her! Can you believe that?!?! I'm just so glad that Fiona (the dog) wasn't hurt or killed.
I died my hair the other day. I thought I got black dye, but I got blue/black. Can't really tell though.

.......waitin for the dye to do it's stuff.......

♥ I talked to a girl this week that had never heard of the game Pong.
♥ I watched the move Fever Pitch the other night. I thought it was pretty good.
♥ I'm really excited cause fall is on it's way! SWEATER WEATHER!
♥ I haven't had McDonalds in a week
♥ I haven't been to Wal Mart since I was in the States
♥ I just finished watching Bones and now I'm going to watch My Name is Earl
♥ I'm reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (book 4 in Narnia)
The weather has been awesome that last few days!
see.....this is the view from my window

This is Tessa chillin' in the bathroom

ohhhhh my shoes I bought off ebay came. I think I might buy all my shoes off ebay. I drew the hearts on them...cause I'm a girl ok?!?!

I would like to thank dholokhov for coming by my work and giving me a movie pass. It was really sweet and he's really great! Thanks again.
ok that will do

♥ I talked to a girl this week that had never heard of the game Pong.
this is by far the saddest thing i've ever heard ever.
♥ I'm really excited cause fall is on it's way! SWEATER WEATHER!
yay for sweater cows!