I have returned...funny how I didn't really know how much I missed Hawaii until I came home. We got off the plane and it was back to lovely humidity and not freezing my ass off when I was out doors. For once I wasn't completely paranoid while flying. I actually managed to sleep through most of the flight home.
My dad came to get us at the airport baring gifts of non air plane food. MAN! I forgot just how dangerous that stuff is! We get home and the site that befalls us makes us feel like we walked in on the show "While you were out". My mom had come into my house while we were gone, cleaned, straightened up, de stankified it from all the cigaratte smell, and stocked my fridge! My mom is awesome!!!!!
So far I think we are back to a good start as far as getting our shit together is concerned. Tons of stuff to do this month as the husband is leaving on a nine month deployment on May 9th
. Either way I figure some things are gonna be changing around these parts. Funny thing is this time of year is when things usually change for me.
I can't wait for us to move but I realized how much Hawaii means to me this trip. I also forgot how much I like the scenery of the desert. I think it's because it's just so extremely different from the place that I live. Either way...I had one hell of a time!
Hopefully within the next few days I can get some pictures up from the trip. Hope you all had a blast while I was gone!
My dad came to get us at the airport baring gifts of non air plane food. MAN! I forgot just how dangerous that stuff is! We get home and the site that befalls us makes us feel like we walked in on the show "While you were out". My mom had come into my house while we were gone, cleaned, straightened up, de stankified it from all the cigaratte smell, and stocked my fridge! My mom is awesome!!!!!
So far I think we are back to a good start as far as getting our shit together is concerned. Tons of stuff to do this month as the husband is leaving on a nine month deployment on May 9th

I can't wait for us to move but I realized how much Hawaii means to me this trip. I also forgot how much I like the scenery of the desert. I think it's because it's just so extremely different from the place that I live. Either way...I had one hell of a time!
Hopefully within the next few days I can get some pictures up from the trip. Hope you all had a blast while I was gone!
What was the name of the budget suite place you stayed at in Vegas? I'm all about cheap, clean acccomodations so I can spend on the fun stuff.
Hell Cominos are rockabilly with a splash of punk. But they do a little psycho every once in a while. Their bassist Mike is very good.