Yeah so I decided to renew my SG account. Why? Because the rest of the internet bores me. Friendster? Fuck friendster. blah. I missed this shit.
hey hottt stuff.
happy new year!
"It's what you love, not what loves you."

- this quote is from the movie Adaptation. it's a breaktaking movie, more than words can comprehend. I just got this quote tattooed on me. rock.
glad yr back. now say something updated!
I'm back, and better than ever. Yeah! Hahah
my veins take a hot shower
this is what opium feels like
this lasts about as long as your kiss
it's all so clear now
i will drown in this substance
away from you
and spread my ashes on our ground
we could have built a city with our souls
the mortar would be sound
and the bricks would have been gold
and here's a...
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you watch me sleep
but I'm not breathing
shake me until you stop
stop me from shaking
I've overdosed on you
I'm done with you
sick now, pale and weak
tonight, your last night.
awww thank you
i am so online!
look here i am!
im on my moms laptop most of the time and for some reason my usual AIM name wont work
so IM primal sincerity
i have you on my buddy list and YOU'RE never on!
smile i'll talk to you soon i hope!
i saw yr boy in MRC tonight wink
just wondering how you've been.
drop me a line!

edited to say this:
hey, how often does yr band play in NYC?
next time you do, let me know and i'll take photos.
im trying to build some sort of portfolio, so it would be rad.

[Edited on Jul 24, 2003]
for every action, there is an equal and opposite distraction. like you, for instance. you are catnip defined, you are the invisible goal. i will tranquilize myself a thousand times over to repeatedly forget that you exist. i would rather not be breathing than inhale with the knowledge that you are, and that you live. my dreams consist of nonsense and you. violence and you....
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its all about the JACKSON 5!!!
well... that and the la bamba soundtrack which i happen to have playing as i type this.

regarding i
i was friends with the drummer they kicked out (for REALLY stupid reasons).
and then he dissed me, so i just stopped giving a fuck.
that girl has a set of lungs on her tho.

well choke and fight club are the only ones i've read so far. i went to b&n to get lullaby but they didn't have anymore. actually they didn't have much at all in regards to palahniuk.

have a good one
well they kicked him out cos he was a pretty big guy.
but why the fuck should that matter, he was a really good drummer!! he was also one of the founding members.

haha yeah you need to update soon smile
you can hit me up AIM style anytime,
the name is Primal Sincerity
I don't update this journal. why? because I have a personal journal, a livejournal, and a band journal to update. plus, i write lyrics, short stories, and poetry like i'm being paid to. big surprise... im not. hopefully i will though, soon. everyone should go check out www.novemberkills.com, or www.mp3.com/novemberkills
if you're bored, that is. like me. xanax kind of makes you want to click...
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Hey. You live near me. Cool, I'm starting a lit/art website/zine thing. Jump on board. We'll take over the world.
A good friend of mine really pissed me off the other day. I hate hypocrites and I hate fair-weather friends. I also hate guys that will do ANYTHING for even the idea of having sex. I mean, these people CANNOT keep it in their pants! If a puppy was humping their leg, they would probably be humping back! Damn. I hope I never get that...
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I miss you too.
I need money for the internet so we can talk.
We played the most amazing show ever yesterday. I couldn't even hear myself sing because too many kids were screaming the lyrics. Holy wow. I'm just going to sit back for the rest of the night and be appreciative. miao!!
I miss you.
But i`m going to go see Alexisonfire on Friday.
today I have finished the vocals for my band's first album. It hasn't been titled yet, but we're throwing around some ideas. I'm so psyched to hear what it's all going to sound like when it's mixed and mastered. And we've yet to record the acoustic song, but then it will all be done. I'm excited! The track listing is as follows (not that...
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Noelle is the hottest girl I've never met. love

She needs to come to NY now. I can give her an inexperienced tour of NYC and my... house? And bring her to a November Kills show.

Everyone watch out for Anna's set soon! She's a new SG and she's a rockin chiquita.
So many new SGs! I can't wait to see them all!
Boo. No internet for me.
Very, very poor.
Want to call, but sadly money is tighter than those SG panties i keep cramming my tush into.
So, drop me an email, or i`ll try and send you one.
I don`t know when i`ll be able to be on AIM.

And thank you.
And yes, NYC sounds lovely.
my first entry!!!

(and then... he dances.)
You need to update. How am i supposed to respond to your lovely comments in my journal otherwise?

You missed a great party. Prom was fantastic. But we will organize something in your neck of the woods soon.
you can check out my livejournal if you want hun, I update that alot more frequently. I'll give you the link next time I talk to yah <3