Yeah I saw LOTR3 it was great, but I liked 2 better. I wish I could make a LOTR game it would be more about the travelling through lands than anything else. You know LIKE THE BOOK.... Lots of work this week which is a good thing, and luckily didn't have to go in for jury duty.
My favorite jury duty quote...
There is just something about being judged by the 12 people not smart enough to get out of jury duty.
I guess I am glad I have been relaxing the past couple weeks because the work is flooding in. That means money for new pipes and a new jacket.
My favorite jury duty quote...
There is just something about being judged by the 12 people not smart enough to get out of jury duty.
I guess I am glad I have been relaxing the past couple weeks because the work is flooding in. That means money for new pipes and a new jacket.
and yes you would think so about the doors but I'm on Staten Island and the only doors getting beaten down here have fires raging behind them. (homeland of cops and firefighters, you see)
thanks though.
I like pink.