Back from IRAQ, bitches...!
I didnt realize this account still worked. I tried it out, out of curiosity and my bored, festering mind. But hey, whatever. Spell check, cool.
Yes, I survived the barren, pot-hole ridden Iraqi wasteland, and live to tale the tell. Ill now take questions from the audience about my adventures. Type slow, so as not to wake my visiting Yankee friend.
Q: Did you get blown up over there?
A: No. IEDs(roadside bombs) blew up sometimes ahead of me, but i never actually got hit. They are so common, you either roll right past, or you stop to wait for EOD(bomb squad, basicly), and welcome it as a chance to stretch your legs and take a piss.
Q: Did you kill anyone?
A: Not that I know of. I hit a few dogs, cats, rodents, etc, but I was a driver. Big trucks in the rear of a convoy spread out over 2miles. Nothing really fucked with me. I guess thats a good thing?
Q: Who the fuck are you?
A: Just some dude on 30days leave after a year in Iraq. Im bored and totally blitzed on mind altering drugs. My friend, whos ben out of the military for over a year, is crashed. My tolerence is above where it used to be. Im impressed.
Im tired of typing, so any comments should be directed to the spaces below.
I didnt realize this account still worked. I tried it out, out of curiosity and my bored, festering mind. But hey, whatever. Spell check, cool.
Yes, I survived the barren, pot-hole ridden Iraqi wasteland, and live to tale the tell. Ill now take questions from the audience about my adventures. Type slow, so as not to wake my visiting Yankee friend.
Q: Did you get blown up over there?
A: No. IEDs(roadside bombs) blew up sometimes ahead of me, but i never actually got hit. They are so common, you either roll right past, or you stop to wait for EOD(bomb squad, basicly), and welcome it as a chance to stretch your legs and take a piss.
Q: Did you kill anyone?
A: Not that I know of. I hit a few dogs, cats, rodents, etc, but I was a driver. Big trucks in the rear of a convoy spread out over 2miles. Nothing really fucked with me. I guess thats a good thing?
Q: Who the fuck are you?
A: Just some dude on 30days leave after a year in Iraq. Im bored and totally blitzed on mind altering drugs. My friend, whos ben out of the military for over a year, is crashed. My tolerence is above where it used to be. Im impressed.
Im tired of typing, so any comments should be directed to the spaces below.
To give an idea of my current tolerence, I feel like Dr. Thompson partying with Ned Flanders. Not quite drinking Wild Turkey like water, but i feel it coming.
Welcome bk bk...