My work schedule has been changing every month. I go from working my ideal schedule of Monday through Thursday clossing nights at around 11 P.M. and Friday from 11 to 4. Then, the next month, doing Wed/Thurs from 10 A.M. to 4 and clossing Fri/Sat/Sun. I love the idea of having weekends off, especially since weekends are not where the $$$ is made at my location and most of my friends work the M-F 9-5, but there is something about leaving work on a Sunday Sinferno night just about an hour before the show gets going! Dante's is half-way home... how could I not stop? It is "My" Friday night after all!
April... expect to see me every Sinferno night!!!
April... expect to see me every Sinferno night!!!
I love Vantucky cause it's only 15 minutes from downtown Portland (in good traffic), it's quiet, I live across the street from my university, and there is NO traffic.
I feel like I've got the best of both worlds here!