I'm in Omak from Monday, April 20 through Thursday, April 24th. Gonna try and skate Tonaskate and do some road bike rides. Also drink some beers!
My work schedule has been changing every month. I go from working my ideal schedule of Monday through Thursday clossing nights at around 11 P.M. and Friday from 11 to 4. Then, the next month, doing Wed/Thurs from 10 A.M. to 4 and clossing Fri/Sat/Sun. I love the idea of having weekends off, especially since weekends are not where the $$$ is made at my...
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Hehehe. Vantucky. Actually I love both Portland and Vantucky but for different reasons. I love Portland cause it's a grungy little port town with all kindsa great stuff to do, see, eat, drink and watch.
I love Vantucky cause it's only 15 minutes from downtown Portland (in good traffic), it's quiet, I live across the street from my university, and there is NO traffic.
I feel like I've got the best of both worlds here!
I love Vantucky cause it's only 15 minutes from downtown Portland (in good traffic), it's quiet, I live across the street from my university, and there is NO traffic.
I feel like I've got the best of both worlds here!
I wisely took Friday the 13th off from work. I got my paycheck... got some new Vans and went skating for nearly three hours at the Department of Skateboarding. Then I went out to the DJ Z-Trip show -- where I saw Germany!
Saturday was mellow. Sunday was thre Trailblazers defeating the Cavs in my first NBA game that I have been to since I...
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Saturday was mellow. Sunday was thre Trailblazers defeating the Cavs in my first NBA game that I have been to since I...
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Pink Martini, my friend, is Teh Win.
I saw them here at the Aladdin a few years back: an amazing show.
I saw them here at the Aladdin a few years back: an amazing show.
im goofy

im goofy
Happy New Year!
I had a great weekend! I didn't have to work some bar like I have in the past. I got a surprise visit from my friend Don on Friday night and we went out to Sassy's (which makes up some for missing Sinferno tonight). Then on New Year's Eve, Kurt and I went up to Ski Bowl on Mt. Hood. They had...
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I had a great weekend! I didn't have to work some bar like I have in the past. I got a surprise visit from my friend Don on Friday night and we went out to Sassy's (which makes up some for missing Sinferno tonight). Then on New Year's Eve, Kurt and I went up to Ski Bowl on Mt. Hood. They had...
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ohhh yes, I am on the Saddletramps...representing Tucson's finest
. I was also at the Portland bout, my best friend does derby up there and it is my hometown. You should come down for the tourney, we are playing the rose city rollers. it will be amazing!

thanks for saying hi....... you caught me off gaurd.. but it was golden
Just what it says it is.
It was 21 years after I bought my first Depeche Mode album, and since I had yet to see them, I had to go and see Depeche Mode at Key Arena in Seattle on Wednesday, Nov. 16.
It was expensive, it was a long drive, but damn was it worth it!
Of course... the shrooms helped, but I was in the mood to have fun...
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It was expensive, it was a long drive, but damn was it worth it!

Of course... the shrooms helped, but I was in the mood to have fun...
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I am so glad the "Holidays" are over... I don't get it any more. I don't buy the whole religious thing... I think the Jesus story is, at the least, very exagerrated.
I am looking forward to New Year's Eve! I want to go snowboarding at SkiBowl until 2 .m., but it has been raining there. Otherwise... I wouldn't mind being downtown at Dante's for Storm and The Balls and then return the next night to start the new year out right at the first Sinferno night at Dante's.... London, Stormy, Marie, Germany... so many SGs on any one night!!!
Sinferno at Dante's
I am looking forward to New Year's Eve! I want to go snowboarding at SkiBowl until 2 .m., but it has been raining there. Otherwise... I wouldn't mind being downtown at Dante's for Storm and The Balls and then return the next night to start the new year out right at the first Sinferno night at Dante's.... London, Stormy, Marie, Germany... so many SGs on any one night!!!

Thanks for the comment, and the info. I might stop in for that. Does Stormy still do the Sinferno nights?
Just chillin'
Recently returned to Puddletown after going for small-town Oregon seven years ago. I ride three bicycles (mtn., road and fixed -- mostly the later for around-town). I try to skate West Linn, Newberg, Lincoln City, Donald, Burnside and others as much as possible. I work five-days-a-week and I try to do as much as I can in-between. I work so I can play....
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Recently returned to Puddletown after going for small-town Oregon seven years ago. I ride three bicycles (mtn., road and fixed -- mostly the later for around-town). I try to skate West Linn, Newberg, Lincoln City, Donald, Burnside and others as much as possible. I work five-days-a-week and I try to do as much as I can in-between. I work so I can play....
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