- on 1st Word That Comes to Mind in silliness
- on 1st Word That Comes to Mind in silliness
- on Based on their profile pic, what is the person above you THINKING? in silliness
- on Song Title Game... Side B. in silliness
- on Where would you take the person above you??? in silliness
- on the person above you got arrested! what for!? in silliness
You look cute all bundled up. ;)
Aw...thank you, beautiful ;) I was not feeling terribly cute at the time.
Look at the album name
Today was one of "those" days.......Really long and lots of crap at work. I shan't take a picture of myself to prove it, lest ye all be turned to stone.
It was just one of those days. I have come to the realization that all of the Russian buyers who come to the auto auctions and their children have this attitude of being rather...
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Today was one of "those" days.......Really long and lots of crap at work. I shan't take a picture of myself to prove it, lest ye all be turned to stone.
It was just one of those days. I have come to the realization that all of the Russian buyers who come to the auto auctions and their children have this attitude of being rather...
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SO....My first blog on here. Woo.
Enough with the fanfare. I have decided that I miss living at home. Not with my parents, but in the house i grew up in on the small farm out in the country. I love the atmosphere, the smell of the air, feel of the ground. Chopping wood, fixing a little fence, tinkering on an ancient truck and feeding...
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Just random stuff