i got myself a "youre about to push a baby out of your vagina" gift. i love it. i want to take millions of pictures.
ive very curious as to what my baby is going to look like. i looked like a baby orangutan.
im going on semi-bedrest. more due to mental health than physical health. i want to enjoy my last 4-7 weeks of me time. i want to do pre-natal yoga and fly kites and lay around outside.
so i will likely be writing more frequently again.

ive very curious as to what my baby is going to look like. i looked like a baby orangutan.

im going on semi-bedrest. more due to mental health than physical health. i want to enjoy my last 4-7 weeks of me time. i want to do pre-natal yoga and fly kites and lay around outside.

so i will likely be writing more frequently again.