Did you mean plumbing? Or did you really mean plumming (The operation of finding, by means of a mine dial, the place where to sink an air shaft, or to bring an adit to the work, or to find which way the lode inclines)?
I like this. I prefer all her new songs done acoustic just with the piano too, her voice has a lovely tone to it. Sounds better than any cd version, to me.
*sigh* Jealous. I only get to watch my friend play And yeah, I do enjoy Torchwood. I've only managed to catch a few episodes here and there all out of sync so having both series at my disposal is rather lovely. I still haven't seen all the Children of Earth episodes yet... shame...
Crazy boys in Liverpool? Is that your life? The only crazy Liverpool boys I like all wear red and chase a ball around kicking it. I never walk alone, you know?
(for those that dont know, myself, a certain sucidegirls member and a certain suicidegirl are all meeting up in London. There will be cupcakes, there will be beer and there will be sillyness. And we shall be as sexy as hell)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the show Snuff Box.
Hardly anyone in the uk has seen it and i imagine less in other countrys. But it just makes me laugh so much it hurts.
You have no idea how many time a week i say Whiskey!