i have added some new pics of acheron from the webcam - enjoy...

in other news:
the Dutch want to ban unsolicited toe licking

a Swedish scientist believes that Ireland is actually the lost isle of Atlantis

for a mere $50,000 you can get your pet cloned

a German prisoner being held in Spain, glued himself to his girlfriend's hand with an industrial level adhesive...
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Ireland is Atlantis? So...that'd make me an Atlantan...Atlantian...whatever...that's awesome. Do I get special powers now?

[Edited on Aug 06, 2004 11:42AM]
I had something to say when I came over here, but --

Ugh, maggots?!? Goddamn freakin medical establishment... *wanders off muttering*
so acheron has given permission fro the cam pics from the other night to be posted. All very silly. See them here...have fun bok
You guys are so adorable! I love the webcam pics. Thanks for posting them. smile
Ok - so i am a bit of a space afficiando annd such annd am following the Ansari X-Prize space race. It seems things have heated up there and two launch dates are set within days of one another. Spaceship oneplans it's first launch on Sept. 29 and Davinci followsa few days later on Oct 2nd. That puts them both neck and neck for the...
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How do I get my cam online?
How do I get my cam online?
funny story time...so i got my webcam hooked up to SG today and had been messing with it for this afternoon and evening. both acheron and i have been on at different times throughout the day - mostly very non interesting stuff - the average at the computer blah blah blah...

so it's about 12:40 am and she is getting ready for bed and is...
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I like the photos...is that photoshop or you own expertise

uh...nevermind is just looked at your website

[Edited on Aug 04, 2004 4:24PM]
Look at you on the CAM --- Theres a kewl blue glow off on the left hand side --what is it?

Now the light is on in more ways then one!

KenshoMI (AIM)

[Edited on Aug 04, 2004 8:36PM]
blah........my life continues to stagnate and not really go anywhere. i really can't blam anyone but myself, but all the same i say blaaaaaaahhhh....

.......i feel cramped and congested - i have ideas for images to shoot, but my current situation does not provide the space necessary for it and finances do not allow for renting a seperate studio.....

ok so to pass time i...
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wow! the rest of those pics are great! i really love the last one!
Thank you for the cam...
So i have added 5 more pieces to the project previously described - Untitled 8-13. Check them out in the pics section. This covers just about all of the completed of images from this set, but i hope to have some new ones in the near future. in the next couple days i plan to post some work from my other projects. hope you...
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ok - so it has taken quite a while for me to get around to adding anything here at all and it is unlikely that i will update this very regularly. mostly i will be adding stuff to my pics area from my ongoing art projects.

i have posted one group today from an ongoing project i have been working on with acheron(see friends). this...
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look! it's me! and you! *looks over at him playing xbox on the couch* that's you too!