ok - kitty story time - of course there will probably be other news of interest to some not to others and possibly not even to me, but first the kitty stories.
so my(really more like mine and acheron's) kitty - moo (the naming of moo is another story - ask acheron if you want to know)sometimes is not so good at aiming when she pees - see girls it is not only guys who miss - the funny thing is, and i actually saw her do this, is that once she realizes she proceeds to pull toilet paper off the roll and then cover it - i guess it is cute as a story about your cat peeing on the floor is going to get.
Second story - acheron and i slacked a bit the last day or two and did not clean out the box. so i go in the bathroom and the litter scoop in in the box (handle up which was nice) i ask acheron why she put the scoop in the box thinking she was insinuating that i should clean it, but she hadn't put it there. I doubt that melora, who is cute and snuggly, but somewhat klutzy and dense would have done so and she is never very picky about the box anyway. soooo the basic assumption is that moo actually was saying "hey shit heads - my box is dirty and smelly - when are you going to do something about it?" ok the end....
spent the day making red curry paste so i can once again cook yummy thai curries - it is a long process including about an hour and half of smashing stuff up in a mortar and pestle so i have to be either really motivated or really pissed and wanting to beat the hell out of something to get up the motivation for making curry paste. Yes i know you can buy it, but what's the fun in that?
still in search of a vindaloo recipe that matches something even close to the vindaloos i have had around the bay area and so far no luck - not to mention every recipe i seem to find fails to note that you need to add liquid. they tell you to "simmer it" and i am like "what the hell am i simmering i have a sludgy paste some meat and potatoes - that's not going to simmer" so i add water and everything comes out fine and there is yummy curry sauce to dip the naan in - i made naan for the first time the day before yesterday
ok so enough of my cooking exploits...i cut down my depakote from the 1500mg they had been giving me to just 1000mg about 2 weeks ago and i am actually feeling a little more alive. My therapist knows i did this, but i do not have a psychiatrist at the moment - just 3 months of refills - so no medical Dr knows. When i was seeing a Psychiatrist the would never listen to me about how the meds were affecting me as long as i wasn't overtly suicidal ad matching their definition of "crisis" they would just let the current prescription ride forever and ever - well i will sort of have insurance again in September i hope and can get into see someone then and hopefully get off the Depakote and onto some other mood stabilizer.
hope to be shooting more content (serious work, not the silly webcam stuff) with acheron in the next week now that she will be finished with school for a couple weeks. Hopefully funds permitting i can get some new pieces finished before the month is out...
ok i had some silly news stories but i forgot them and my brain is really fuzzy today fo no good reason, so maybe i will dig them up for another day...
so my(really more like mine and acheron's) kitty - moo (the naming of moo is another story - ask acheron if you want to know)sometimes is not so good at aiming when she pees - see girls it is not only guys who miss - the funny thing is, and i actually saw her do this, is that once she realizes she proceeds to pull toilet paper off the roll and then cover it - i guess it is cute as a story about your cat peeing on the floor is going to get.
Second story - acheron and i slacked a bit the last day or two and did not clean out the box. so i go in the bathroom and the litter scoop in in the box (handle up which was nice) i ask acheron why she put the scoop in the box thinking she was insinuating that i should clean it, but she hadn't put it there. I doubt that melora, who is cute and snuggly, but somewhat klutzy and dense would have done so and she is never very picky about the box anyway. soooo the basic assumption is that moo actually was saying "hey shit heads - my box is dirty and smelly - when are you going to do something about it?" ok the end....
spent the day making red curry paste so i can once again cook yummy thai curries - it is a long process including about an hour and half of smashing stuff up in a mortar and pestle so i have to be either really motivated or really pissed and wanting to beat the hell out of something to get up the motivation for making curry paste. Yes i know you can buy it, but what's the fun in that?
still in search of a vindaloo recipe that matches something even close to the vindaloos i have had around the bay area and so far no luck - not to mention every recipe i seem to find fails to note that you need to add liquid. they tell you to "simmer it" and i am like "what the hell am i simmering i have a sludgy paste some meat and potatoes - that's not going to simmer" so i add water and everything comes out fine and there is yummy curry sauce to dip the naan in - i made naan for the first time the day before yesterday

ok so enough of my cooking exploits...i cut down my depakote from the 1500mg they had been giving me to just 1000mg about 2 weeks ago and i am actually feeling a little more alive. My therapist knows i did this, but i do not have a psychiatrist at the moment - just 3 months of refills - so no medical Dr knows. When i was seeing a Psychiatrist the would never listen to me about how the meds were affecting me as long as i wasn't overtly suicidal ad matching their definition of "crisis" they would just let the current prescription ride forever and ever - well i will sort of have insurance again in September i hope and can get into see someone then and hopefully get off the Depakote and onto some other mood stabilizer.
hope to be shooting more content (serious work, not the silly webcam stuff) with acheron in the next week now that she will be finished with school for a couple weeks. Hopefully funds permitting i can get some new pieces finished before the month is out...
ok i had some silly news stories but i forgot them and my brain is really fuzzy today fo no good reason, so maybe i will dig them up for another day...
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