i have added some new pics of acheron from the webcam - enjoy...
in other news:
the Dutch want to ban unsolicited toe licking
a Swedish scientist believes that Ireland is actually the lost isle of Atlantis
for a mere $50,000 you can get your pet cloned
a German prisoner being held in Spain, glued himself to his girlfriend's hand with an industrial level adhesive in an attempt to avoid extradition. Doctors are still unsure of whether to operate or use solvents to seperate them.
maggots are once again being used as a medical treatment and they are FDA approved.
- ok that's all the interesting stuff i can dig up right now.
in other news:
the Dutch want to ban unsolicited toe licking
a Swedish scientist believes that Ireland is actually the lost isle of Atlantis
for a mere $50,000 you can get your pet cloned
a German prisoner being held in Spain, glued himself to his girlfriend's hand with an industrial level adhesive in an attempt to avoid extradition. Doctors are still unsure of whether to operate or use solvents to seperate them.
maggots are once again being used as a medical treatment and they are FDA approved.
- ok that's all the interesting stuff i can dig up right now.
[Edited on Aug 06, 2004 11:42AM]
Ugh, maggots?!? Goddamn freakin medical establishment... *wanders off muttering*